The Art and Science of Modern Invoicing

An invoice is more than just a receipt with a total at the bottom. It is a professional document that signifies the completion of a project or sales transaction. It is also the last impression you make on a client, so it is crucial that it is an accurate reflection of your company’s brand and high standards.
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What Kind of Info Should Your Invoices Include?

If you own or manage a small business, invoices are essential to keeping your business running smoothly. By providing your customers an uncomplicated, concise invoice that spells out the products provided or services rendered, you will reduce confusion and head off any potential conflicts about your business transactions.
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Top 10 Advantages of Billing Clients Online

It is shocking to learn how many businesses are still manually creating their invoices and using outdated invoicing software programs. There are so many more efficient ways to generate invoices and keep tracking of your company’s financial information. In today’s competitive marketplace, businesses need to invest in better technology like online billing to save their company valuable time and money.
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Avoiding Charge-Backs

A charge-back is a credit card processed sales transaction that occurs when your customer disputes the transaction or when you fail to follow proper credit card acceptance and authorization procedures. The result of a charge-back is a reversal of the transaction, the withdrawal of funds from your merchant account and a deposit of the funds back into your customer’s account.

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Factors That Determine the Transaction Fee Effective Rate

Transaction fees, also called effective rates or merchant fees, are fees that are charged to you by your payment processor on each transaction processed. The fee includes the bank interchange, the credit card association fees, and the processor fee. There are several factors that will determine your transaction fees:
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