How Product Packaging Can Make or Break a Sale

Packaging should never be a hindrance when customers buy something from you—in fact, it should inspire customers to buy the product.Whether for individual or commercial uses, it is one of the most important components of any product and has a big impact on how well your product performs. The quality of the packaging also determines…

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6 Tips for Package and Labeling Management

Product Packaging is the process that uses technology and resources to enclose or protect products during transportation, storage, sales, and when used by the final consumer. In other terms, it refers to the designing, evaluation, and manufacturing of product packages. Its primary use is to protect, preserve, and hold the product during transportation and selling.…

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How One Company Thinks Outside the Box with On-Demand Packaging

It’s a frustrating and common e-commerce experience: receiving a small item in a huge box filled with plastic air pillows or other packing material. The shipper may find it convenient to use just a few box sizes, but it’s a big waste. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, containers and packaging make up a major portion of municipal…

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Storytelling Through Packaging: How to Tell Your Brand Story

What’s more important; the product or the packaging? Tell your brand story in a totally unique way. When you envisage storytelling, you’ll think of words on a screen or pictures on a page. It may be fictional or anecdotal, but either way, it’s a process. It’s a way of expressing how different events unfold and…

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Taking Advantage of the “Unboxing” Phenomenon

As children we are taught time and again to never judge books by their covers. However, it seems that each time human nature prevails and try as we may, the lesson never sticks and covers remain judged. In fact, the “cover” of a product can be as important as the product itself. This of course,…

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Are You Minding Your Packaging?


The smartest brands know that having an awesome product/service is important, but how you present that awesome product or service matters, too. Yes, it probably costs more. And yes, it means you have to keep upping your game. So there’s risk and cost in making that choice. But it’s what separates the premium brands from…

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