How to Avoid the Social Media Storm

Previously, we dug into the details of two very different but very visible social media storms and how the brands (Crock-Pot and Old Navy) dealt with the unexpected spotlight. Don’t think for a minute that your local business is immune to the same sort of trouble. The good and the bad of social media is…

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How to Use the Feel Felt Found Method

Whether you are ‘talking’ virtually or face to face, using the feel, felt, found method of communication will make you a more effective communicator. The effectiveness of your business conversations is key on the ability to connect rather than convince. Whether you are talking with a potential customer, new business associate or possible hostess, when…

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Destroy New Business Fears with Surefire Success

Today, I want to discuss something very important. If you’re starting a business, I want to share with you a surefire way to start a business and make it thrive! I’ll get to more on that in a moment… but why is this such an important topic? The last week has been very interesting for…

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The Objection Crusher: 3 S System

Tim Wilson, the objection crusher, was our guest on the Cash Flow Show: Home Business Radio. He shared his technique for how to overcome objections using the 3 S system. Known as The Objection Crusher, Tim gave some awesome tips on how to crush objections before they happen! Crushing objections takes preparation, planning and promotion. By…

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What Two Words Are Most Valuable for Your Business Planning?

One of the most valuable tools in an executive’s arsenal is the use of the question chain in planning meetings or to analyze scenarios that might result from an action. The powerful words are “What if…” followed by an ever-deeper question that follows the possible results of an action, or a decision based upon the…

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The Importance of Setbacks

Too often, we get caught up in the rush of everyday life. The press of everyday activity, the constant intrusion and interruptions drive what we do. These become standard, we go on autopilot—even as a coping mechanism. Most important we stop paying attention, we stop being present. This doesn’t mean we aren’t accomplishing things. The…

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4 Simple Strategies for Pulling Out of an Entrepreneurial Funk

There’s nothing quite as fulfilling as launching your startup and seeing it through its first few months or years of infancy. You get so addicted to its success that you spend all your waking hours thinking about a new customer acquisition strategy or an impending meeting with a big investor. You even find yourself thinking…

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7 Myths You Probably Believe About Successful Entrepreneurs

I spend a large percentage of my time connecting entrepreneurs with companies trying to solve wicked problems. So I get a kick out of some of the most common misperceptions I hear about people who start their own companies. Here are some common myths along with the truths about entrepreneurs and what actually makes them…

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Move the Barriers with Mobile Technology

For the last couple weeks, we’ve been exploring the seismic shift in marketing that is being brought about by mobile technology and the new consumer attitude of “I want what I want when I want it.” Fortunately the same technology can help us connect with and serve our audiences in a way that is meaningful…

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Embracing Objections

I just saw the term, “Objection free selling.” In fairness to the person raising the issue, I didn’t read the article, so I’m not certain the premise or his position. It was the phrase that caught my attention, making me flashback on my own history of dealing with objections. At one point, I feared them.…

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