6 Ways to Retain Employees and Boost Your Bottom Line

While there is no way to accurately measure the exact financial cost of employee turnover, there is no doubt that it is both time-consuming and expensive. In addition, just the process of finding good employees in the first place can be somewhat like finding a needle in a haystack. When you find one, you want…

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6 Discussions That Should Take Place Before Discovery Day

Think you’ve found a qualified and serious franchisee? Fantastic. The next step is to host a Discovery Day, where you will give this person an inside glimpse at running a franchise of your company and, ideally, conclude the day with a verbal confirmation that you will send them a final agreement to sign and become…

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Should You Automate Your Business HR Processes?

One of the biggest challenges as a startup business owner is finding good employees to work for you. Truth be told, finding and retaining quality workers is a challenge not just for small businesses, but also the biggest corporate houses in the country. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly 2 million Americans…

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3 Effective Ways to Fight Employee Burnout by Onboarding Correctly

In a survey of 614 HR leaders, conducted by Kronos Incorporated and Future Workplace, 87 percent of respondents cited improving employee retention as a critical priority in the face of burnout. “Employee burnout has reached epidemic proportions,” says Charlie DeWitt, vice president of business development at Kronos. “While many organizations take steps to manage employee…

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Onboarding for a New Job Role

You’ve done it! You identified a need for a new role at your company, created the job description, went through the hiring process, and found the perfect candidate to step into the role. Your work is done. Or is it? Any new hire requires some personal attention to make sure they settle into their new…

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