Posts Tagged ‘Market Segmentation’
Why Small Businesses Should Pre-Launch
I’ve operated a small women’s clothing boutique for a year-and-a-half and there is one thing I wish I knew before I went live with the website: Pre-launching. This doesn’t mean that I was just naïve and launched a site with zero research or any idea of how I was going to manage the website; it’s…
Read MoreHow Much Do You Focus on Your Customers’ Needs and Wants?
Do you know your customers’ needs and wants? No, I mean really know their needs and wants? It appears that 38% of marketers find this their number-one challenge, regardless of company size or industry. According to the newly released global report, The 2016 Digital Marketer from Experian, “Customer-centric brands are shifting the way they think about “customers” or “consumers”…
Read MoreHow to Get New Customers by Targeting New Markets
Many entrepreneurs assume that everyone will love their solution as much as they do, so they tune their marketing focus based on their own needs and wants. That’s the right place to start, but real growth and scale requires attracting customers who are not like you. Expanding your market into these areas requires thinking outside…
Read MoreMy Fish Bowl Story of Marketing Mistakes
Here’s a mistake I made that taught me a lot and helped me teach others. The Mistake Many years ago, I took a new product—early business planning software—to its first trade show. We did the standard booth thing, brought along products, and sell sheets, business cards, and so forth. And we put a plastic fishbowl on…
Read MoreHow Startups Estimate Market Size
It’s a common question. How do I know market size? Of course what one does for that depends on the type of business. What works for a web app won’t work for a restaurant. The kinds of information available in one market differs from another. Local demographics might be quite enough for a retail business, but irrelevant…
Read MoreAdvertise Where It Matters
There are more media options available for advertising today than there have ever been before. From social media to billboards, old school television to internet streaming, and old fashioned radio to internet radio, the decision on where to advertise is harder than it has ever been. Finding the most effective and cost efficient platform for…
Read MoreAre You Wasting Time and Money by Not Qualifying Leads?
Getting new leads is at the core of customer acquisition. No warm or hot prospects = no new customers. There’s a plethora of lead generation tools available, both digital and offline. The key to success for your chosen method is to qualify your leads to ensure they fall within your target market segments. Here’s a…
Read More5 Techniques to Hone in on Your Target Market
Finding a target market is not only helpful; it’s a critical part of the process of achieving lift-off for your company. After all, without customers, you have no business. When people ask, “How’s business?” they’re typically referring to the amount of customer turnover you’re receiving. So, it is eminently important to understand who you want…
Read MoreHow to Attract Customers with Money to Spend
Attracting affluent customers is the dream of any business. Everybody wants to have rich clients, but not everybody does. You can’t attract wealthy clients with the same communication, offers and approach that you use for an average consumer. In order to move from an average consumer to a more affluent audience, you need to tweak…
Read MoreHow to Build Your Brand Online
In today’s competitive market, business success depends on your ability to connect with your audience. To make that connection, you must cultivate a strong brand presence online. The following 5 fundamental tips will help you position your brand effectively online: Know Thyself: Carve Out a Distinctive Identity Unlike marketing, which describes what you do to…
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