7 Different Funding Options When Bootstrapping a Business

two business owners proudly displaying their "We Are Open" sign in their newly opened cafe

Bootstrapping a business is essentially the art of hustling to get your business off the ground, without any funding or aid from outside. Empires that have been forged on this often tough, but rewarding path, are now the stuff of legends, and for good reason too. Embarking on a bootstrapping journey is like being the…

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How Will My Side Hustle Affect My Taxes?

an artist working on a mural

It’s the age of the gig economy. It’s not unusual for people to work multiple jobs and have a variety of income streams. Perhaps you spend most of your time working with an employer, but you’ve got a side hustle to generate more income. There’s nothing wrong with working on a side hustle to augment…

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How COVID-19 Bolstered the Gig Economy

In 2020, the gig economy grew 33%.  Considering how most economic sectors suffered during the pandemic, this incredible growth warrants further examination.  In the worst months of COVID-19, the formal unemployment rate among Americans was 14%.  Unable to survive on savings and government benefits alone, 2 million Americans tried gig work for the first time…

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3 Tips for Your Side Hustle Take-Off

So, you’ve been operating a side hustle for a little while alongside a fulltime job. It may have initially helped ends meet or been a genuine passion of yours that you couldn’t make a decent living off. But now the tides have turned, and you are seeing the real potential to take it full time.…

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Mileage Tracking Hacks for Rideshare Drivers

It’s not easy making a living in the gig economy. Rideshare drivers work hard for not great pay, so every little bit counts. Uber and Lyft take enough money out of your paycheck that you can’t afford to let taxes take any more. Fortunately, there are many deductions available that rideshare drivers can use to…

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6 IRS Tips About the Gig Economy Taxpayers Need to Know

The gig economy, also called sharing or access economy, is activity where taxpayers earn income providing on-demand work, services or goods. Often, it’s through a digital platform like an app or website. While there are many types of sharing economy businesses, ride-sharing and home rentals are two of the most popular. Here are some things…

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7 Fastest-Growing Industries During COVID-19 (And How You Can Benefit)

COVID-19 is now on every continent except for Antarctica, spreading to over 150 countries and rising. Lockdowns, quarantines, and other movement restrictions due to the pandemic have significantly affected the majority of industries . But amid these difficult economic conditions and social distancing enforcement, there are a handful of lucky industries which are set to…

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4 Accounting Tips for New Gig Economy Businesses

There are many terms for providing a service as a small business—gigs, contracting, freelancing, and the trade industry just to name a few. Many people just starting their businesses are enthusiastic to develop their product, but unaware of some simple accounting practices for small businesses. These tips can save both time and money when it comes…

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How Gig Economy Growth Could Help Close the Labor Gap in Construction

Just 10 years ago, cities across America were mottled with transit deserts—streets, neighborhoods, and entire regions without convenient or affordable transportation options. No trains. No buses. Not even taxis. The only way to get around was by driving your own vehicle—if you had one, that is. If not, it was a struggle to access employment,…

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