Don’t Ignore These Key Considerations When You’re Just Starting Out

If you’re interested in getting started in business, you’ve likely begun brainstorming about where you might go and what you could be. You’re thinking about all the different possibilities this broad and exciting field could offer you. But there are some key considerations when you’re just starting out that can’t be ignored. Remember, there are…

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Understanding the Journey To Becoming a Business Owner

two business owners

The path to becoming a business owner is paved with hard work, strategic thinking, and an unwavering commitment to turning dreams into reality. Embarking on this venture involves honing the initial spark of an idea into a viable business concept and overcoming myriad challenges that one may encounter along the way. To embrace entrepreneurship is…

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Going to School Full-Time While Running a Business — Is It Possible?

Taking on full-time school can be a daunting challenge. Starting and running your own business is also a formidable task. Trying to do both together? Some would say this feat is downright impossible. But don’t believe everything you hear. Managing two life-sized responsibilities like business ownership and full-time schooling can indeed be possible. Every year,…

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Listen Up Leaders: How to Create a Values-Driven Workplace Environment


In a values-driven environment, employees find balance between their personal values and the organization’s values, creating a united and determined workforce. It’s your job, as a leader, to set examples and live be the values you preach. Creating a values-driven work environment involves much more than jotting down a few words onto a page. It’s…

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Creating Competencies for a Post-Pandemic Future

Continued professional development (CPD) is often associated with careers in medicine, education, accounting, and law. However, ongoing education throughout any career path can expedite progress towards specific goals and benefit small business and industries, as well as individuals. Future-Proofing Competencies In the face of job losses and industry hardship caused by the Covid -19 pandemic,…

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7 Industries That Will Still Thrive During Uncertain Times

Uncertainty is a driving force for change. Every global pandemic in history has shown the remarkable resilience of humans as we evolved and adapted to whatever the new normal has been. Whether out of necessity or safety, there is documented evidence during these times, which saw markedly accelerated adoption of changes and new behaviours. COVID-19…

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This Georgia Educator Helps Students Think Like Entrepreneurs

(Photo by Peter Frey/UGA) Imagine graduating from high school with $200,000 in sales from a business you started as a freshman. That’s the reality for some students at Brookwood High School in Snellville, GA thanks to University of Georgia graduate Cindy Quinlan. The history-loving, world-traveling educator is on a mission to disrupt education through entrepreneurship. And…

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3 Myths About Entrepreneurship That Shouldn’t Hold You Back

What do you need to start your own business? For many would-be entrepreneurs, it’s a question that hovers like a cloud overhead, intimidating and ominous. Answering it means facing fears—fears around money, experience or knowledge. The worst are fears of the unknown. What if you never learn everything necessary to grow a successful business? What…

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What Do I Need to Do to Become an Entrepreneur?

Q: What do I need to do to become an entrepreneur? Being an entrepreneur is simply somebody who has launched a business. It’s not a set of traits or qualities, a state of being, or an attribute. It’s not a degree or certificate. It’s not an expertise. It’s did you start a business, or not?…

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