How to Test Prices without Irritating Buyers

The right price is something of a moving target for many companies. You may need to change the tag on a given product multiple times during the period of time you offer it and the more detail you can offer on the decisions to do so, the happier your customers will be.
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5 Steps to a Great Pricing Strategy

There are many important aspects to running a business, but perhaps the most important of all is your pricing strategy. At the end of the day, whether customers are willing to keep spending money at your business and whether you can afford to stay in business comes down to your prices. Here are five steps to get you on the right path for an effective pricing strategy.
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What Kind of Info Should Your Invoices Include?

If you own or manage a small business, invoices are essential to keeping your business running smoothly. By providing your customers an uncomplicated, concise invoice that spells out the products provided or services rendered, you will reduce confusion and head off any potential conflicts about your business transactions.
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Long Forgotten? Use Customer Service Skills to Stir Old Accounts Back to Life

When accounts go quiet, don’t assume the customer is going away. Use excellent customer service skills to find out what is going on. They may be waiting, occupied with something else, or have simply forgotten where you are or how to reach you! One effort at reactivation can make the difference between a customer who comes once and disappears forever, and a customer who comes once, is invited back and stays with you forever.
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