How to Measure Your Sales Closing Percentage Quickly and Easily

Sales closing percentage is an essential metric for any business involved in sales. It provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of your sales process and the performance of your sales team. Try this AI-powered business tool: Airgram is an AI-tool that records, transcribes, summarizes, and shares meeting conversations. It transcribes speech into searchable text and creates sharable…

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Benefits of Adopting Modern Technologies in Electronic Data Interchange

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a computer-based technology that empowers businesses to exchange data electronically in a normalized design. EDI works with the protected exchange of data between at least two organizations and empowers the sharing of structured documents; for example: solicitations, buy requests, and transportation notes. It is utilized between authoritative correspondence and to…

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What Causes Data Disruption?

database disruption in the workplace

If your business network has ever experienced any form of data disruption before, then you understand how troublesome it can be. Data disruption is what happens when data traveling through your network experiences some form of error or incompatibility that causes delays or dysfunction. The last thing you want is for your users on your…

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Should Your Business Build Its Own Data Center?


Today’s businesses handle more data than ever before. It’s essential for everything, from building great products to improving customer service. Unsplash – CC0 License Mostly, firms outsource data center needs to third parties. It’s often cheaper and more convenient.  However, there are circumstances in which it makes sense to bring operations in-house. The purpose of…

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How Data-Driven Marketing Benefits Small Businesses

In today’s technologically driven world, data has become more available to the public than it ever has been before. From data-driven decision-making in healthcare to data analysis in retail, data has become a vital component of business operations in almost all industries. As a result of many processes becoming digital over the past several decades,…

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Improving Data Integrity at Your Small Business

The challenges of running a small business manifest themselves before you can even get it off the ground. There’s capital, human resources, defining your product, building it, generating leads, acquiring customers, and much more. Another part of running a small business involves data gathering and analysis. Data is a driving force in most businesses today.…

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5 Reasons It’s a Great Time to Invest in EDI Software

E D I software

Now is the time to implement EDI (electronic data interchange) in your business, as it helps organizations to continue their growth. Numerous companies are interested in EDI software as they’ve seen how much value it adds to their operations from its strategic benefits. EDI has been shown to raise business value by decreasing costs and…

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The Role of Data in Business 

Credit In the business world, data has a significant impact.  Businesses across all industries use data to make informed decisions. Proper analysis of data helps improve sales, reduce costs, increase customer satisfaction, and develop innovative products. It also helps understand the market better and generate new creative ways of doing things. Data contributes to making…

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What Exactly is Data Science? Dispelling the Common Myths


E-commerce, banking, tourism, gaming, manufacturing…These days, data science seems to be everywhere. And, as is often the case with hugely popular technological trends, it is very divisive. Some claim that data science is a fail-proof answer to every business challenge. Others underestimate its significance, believing that it’s nothing short of a fad. Both sides are…

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