How to Win Back Former Customers

Do you remember the children’s song “Make New Friends, but Keep the Old?” Unfortunately many businesses do not, and instead are singularly focused on finding as many new customers as possible.
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What is Better Than a “WOW” Experience?

Many companies are looking for ways to delight the customer or provide the customer with a “WOW” experience. There are many marketing research organizations that provide all sorts of metrics to demonstrate how the customer experience is improving.
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Loyalty May Not Be Rational

Customer loyalty is not always based on rational thinking. Customers often make decisions based on feelings and emotions. The old adage that the first impression counts has been verified by the psychological research.
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Social CEO-ing to Create Customer Champs

Stop thinking of yourself as an ‘employee’ of any organization. In reality, you can never be. You are what you are—a living, thinking, caring human. This is exactly you must convey to your customers, that ‘hey, I am not a robot, wanting all the money in your pocket.’
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How Weak Leadership Impacts Customer Loyalty

Customer experience is foundational to the success of your organization. As a customer experience expert, and as a customer myself, I have seen my fair share of customer experiences ranging from exceptional to downright disturbing.
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Charging Customers for Loyalty

Customer loyalty is a goal for any company that wants to be successful. Countless studies have shown the financial benefits of having loyal customers over having to continuously attract new customers. There are a variety of ways to achieve customer loyalty, and some of these include:
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