Posts Tagged ‘B2B’
How to Make Emotional Targeting Work for B2B
Many B2B marketers believe they should use a logic-based, black and white detached approach in their marketing campaigns, but a recent study shows that tapping into buyers’ emotions increases conversion rates. In fact, crafting a connection with prospective buyers using an emotion-focused strategy has been found to have up to twice the impact of marketing campaigns that center…
Read MorePrescriptive Selling
I’m seeing a trend toward increasing prescription in selling. By that, I mean marketing, sales enablement, or management are prescribing the activities, actions, scripts, conversations their people should be having. Many of the new technologies seem very focused at providing prescriptive guidance to the conversations sales people have with prospects and customers. At its simplest…
Read More7 Reasons No One Opened Your B2B Email & What to Do About It
Email marketing is still one of the most effective marketing channels to reach your audience. Studies still suggest that it has great reach, offers a high ROI, and is the preferred communication channel for a majority of clients. Despite this preference, it isn’t always easy to convince readers to open your email. If you catch them at…
Read MoreVolume and Velocity—What’s Missing?
There’s a huge amount of discussion focusing on Volume And Velocity in sales. SaaS companies trying to build traction and subscriptions person by person, department by department—at least until they confront the enterprise. Companies envying the growth of these companies are copying them, looking again for Volume And Velocity. We see endless research about the…
Read MoreGet More B2B Customers with Site Signage
One of the best ways to market your company is to have signs and banners put up on job sites. Signs tell curious prospects what kind of work you do. Signs at multiple sites have an even bigger impact. Frequently seeing your signs around town tells customers that you are good at what you do,…
Read MoreForget the Consumer Internet of Things: IIOT is Where It’s Really At
Billionaire publisher Malcolm Forbes coined the saying, “He who dies with the most toys wins.” And upon his death, Forbes certainly had a lot of toys. But in 2016, not all consumers agree with that sentiment when it comes to Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Product manufacturers may be banking on consumers trampling over each…
Read MoreThe Increasing Importance of Millennials in B2B Marketing
Yes. You read right. This post is about millennials and yes, they are growing into an increasingly important target market for all B2B verticals, especially in manufacturing, technology & business services. If you think millennials are not-so-important in the grand scheme of things when it comes to B2B marketing, well, my friend, it’s time to…
Read More5 Ted Talks for Aspiring B2B Thought Leaders
One of the beauties of inbound marketing is that it naturally sets the stage for businesses to position themselves as thought leaders in their respective industry. By understanding and identifying with their buyer personas, proactively helping them overcome challenges by sharing valuable content, and by forming a “tribe” through amplified messaging and active engagement, inbound marketing catapults…
Read MorePutting the “B” in B2B with Inbound Marketing
“If you build it, they will come.” Sorry, Kevin Costner, but in the world of online marketing and lead generation, it’s not enough to simply build a website. Yes, inbound marketing delivers a below-average cost per lead versus outbound strategies. However, in order to benefit from these cost savings, your business needs a concrete online lead…
Read More4 Ways to Accelerate B2B Lead Acquisition
Lead generation at all stages of the sales and marketing funnel isn’t easy. There are many different approaches, strategies, tactics and techniques, and no one person has all of the answers. However, the basic B2B formula online looks like what we call inbound marketing today. That’s all good, but with the plethora of businesses adopting…
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