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Why Starting Your Own Company is the New Retirement
By: SmallBizClub

We hear so much about 20+-year-old technology millionaires in this age of social media and 24/7 news cycles, but the success of those in the older generation are sometimes overlooked.
Did you know that Ray Kroc started McDonalds at the age of 52, or that Colonel Sanders began Kentucky Fried Chicken at 65? More than one in three new businesses were started by an entrepreneur aged 50 years or more. The 55 to 64-year-old category has the highest rate of entrepreneurial activity in the past decade. And some of the leaders of Fortune 500 companies and some of the biggest business names in the world—Warren Buffet (84) and Rupert Murdoch (83)—are still in control of the companies they founded.

Author: Eamonn Freeman is the Managing Director of Easy Life Cover, a life insurance company based in Ireland. Many of their clientele are aged 50+ and are entrepreneurs or run businesses of their own.
Published: November 10, 2014