Can you believe that it is 2014 already? I can’t. Seems like just yesterday that everyone was worried about Y2K. Now here we are, 14 years later! 2013 was a blur and I’m sure this year is bound to pass just as quickly.
Most of us make New Year’s resolutions for ourselves, but what about our businesses? The start of a new calendar year is a great time to set some goals and guidelines for what you want your business to achieve in the next 12 months. While doing some browsing, I came across this article on Huffington Post that offers “life hacks” for the New Year. While I don’t think these are what we would usually consider life hacks, they are good tips to follow for making your business more successful in the upcoming year.
Here’s a summary of some good ideas:
- Find ways to increase productivity. There are always ways to be more productive. Even the most organized, and dare I say, type-A of us could change a few things and make better use of a few minutes each day. Some tips include setting aside blocks of time to work on specific tasks and focusing specifically on those tasks, and not getting sucked in by technology. The Internet can definitely be a huge source of wasted time. It is suggested that you not keep email and social media windows open while you work—this is definitely a good tip.
- Don’t forget the bigger picture. It’s easy to get caught up in the monotony of day to day work and forget WHY you are working. Small business owners in particular need to keep their focus on the big picture: what is the day to day doing to grow your business? The article talks about using the acronym SMARTER when it comes to goal setting: Specific, Measureable, Agreed upon, Realistic, Time-based, Evaluate, Re-evaluate.
- Find a balance between work and play. Don’t forget that you are human too! If you neglect yourself while focusing solely on your business, you’ll lose yourself. Spend time with family, go out with friends, get a decent amount of sleep, and exercise. You’ll feel better!
- Continuing education. This year, consider taking some time out to learn more. It could be solely something you are personally interested in (see bullet point above) or for your business. With the undeniable shift to online learning, furthering your knowledge about anything has been easier than ever before.
So, what are your goals for your business for the year? Anything to add to this list?
Published: January 10, 2014