Many of us sit in our office cubicles dreaming.
Escaping the 9 to 5.
Telling the boss you have fired “them.”
Packing your bags and not coming back.
But most of us never make the step.
Daring to dream is where it starts and stops.
Doubt creeps in.
It is the human condition.
Our differences are many but our fears are common.
The need for…..
Afraid of judgment.
Seen as different.
Standing out from the crowd.
Invisible chains bind us.
The rules have changed
People with gifts that want to share with the world are unaware that the rules of the game have changed.
The old ways of work, power and hierarchy are breaking down.
The hidden human was constrained by geography.
Borders, boundaries and vast oceans.
Bound by physical constraints.
The physical and visible.
Reinventing yourself is painful but possible.
Changing how you see work is unfolding in front of us.
The tools are many.
Youtube videos.
Online courses that don’t need a classroom.
E-books that can be downloaded in seconds.
Changing your mind set.
The drivers of change
What empowers us to reinvent and transform our lives?
Rather than slide into the oblivion of irrelevance.
Pain, challenge and discomfort are your best friends.
They need to be welcomed.
The drivers of change.
The attitude to pain separates winners from losers.
You can choose.
Succumb or rise.
But the real secret to change in a digital world is not apparent to many.
It’s the power of publishing your thoughts, ideas and stories.
Displaying your expertise.
The platforms are free.
The options many.
And reaching the world that wants to hear your voice means rising above the fear of being judged.
Putting yourself out there is scary.
Visibility means vulnerability.
Revealing your creation is a moment of truth.
They are the digital nomads.
The digital nomads
Roaming the world as a digital nomad is not just for the few.
No longer a dream.
But a reality.
According to an article in Forbes there are 57.3 million freelancers in the USA alone.
As I travel I see them everywhere.
People who are able to share their gifts.
Their expertise is celebrated.
Who are they?
Digital nomads come in many flavors.
They are creators and makers.
They include:
- Freelancers – They publish their expertise on platforms like Upwork or com.
- Instagram influencers – They publish images and photos as they travel.
- YouTubers – They create and publish their video creations with the world.
- Bloggers – They publish and share their knowledge and insights on platforms like WordPress or Medium.
There’s freedom.
They work from their homes, cafes or corners of the world that they choose.
They still need success habits and routines.
But it comes with risk.
Loss of security.
No weekly pay check.
They took responsibility for their own lives.
Decided not to hide.
They have seized the day.
The moment.
Free from physical constraints of time and distance.
Avoiding monotony.
It’s time to fly.