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3 Ways to Maintain a Successful Entrepreneurial Mindset

By: Under30CEO


Starting a business definitely comes with its fair share of difficulties. The process often feels like a roller coaster. Some days, weeks, and even months on end will run smoother than you ever could have hoped for. Then just when all feels safe, bam. In the blink of an eye you are free falling without a clue as to what will happen next.

Dealing with a business when things are going good is the easy part. But how will you react when the going gets tough? Are you going to give up and succumb to the challenges, or are you going to push through the tough times and figure out solutions? This is what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the wannabees. And it all starts with taking on the right mental attributes.  In this article we are going to take a look at several ways that we can keep our minds mentally in check for all the challenges that lie ahead.

1. Whatever you do, don’t panic.

Being concerned and taking a proactive approach to fixing things is a good thing. But these decisions must be level headed. Panicking will do nothing but harm your business and cause you to make poor choices. If you have had success with your business in the past, odds are, you are working with a successful idea. So don’t immediately assume your ideas are awful and that your business is broken the second things take a slight turn for the worse. No matter what business you are in, there are going to be ups and downs. During those downs it will be human nature to start questioning yourself. But don’t lose focus of what got you to the point you are at in the first place.

These are the times where you need your confidence more than ever. Once the confidence falls by the wayside, so does the decision making process, and eventually the business. Making adjustments is an important part of any successful business, but make sure you are doing so at a time when you are in a completely rational state of mind and have had time to let things sink in. Changes should be changes that you firmly believe in, not adjustments that are solely made out of panic and worry.

2. Write down your short-term goals.

This should be a part of every entrepreneurs business plan. Whether you have been running your business for months, or years, it’s always important to have some short-term goals in order to keep your mind in a healthy place.

Of course we all want to live that American Dream of having millions of dollars, vacation homes, etc. But let’s be realistic. Rome wasn’t built in a day. If you want to get to that American Dream, it will not happen over night. In the mean time, setting short-term goals that are realistic will keep you feeling good about your business and yourself. These short-term accomplishments don’t always have to add up to dollars and cents. Learning how to engage better in social media, or taking a business class can all be short-term goals as well. Eventually all these mini-accomplishments will add up to something great.

3. Take a break from your business.

Most entrepreneurs are borderline OCD when it comes to working. It’s both our blessing and our curse. Unfortunately, working around the clock is neither productive, nor mentally healthy for your business in the long run. Working to the point of exhaustion will result in poor decision, weaken the creative process, and overall, harm the business. So the next time you are feeling burnt out, take a break and walk away. Your business will thank you in the long run!

This article was originally published by Under30CEO

Author: Joshua Pompey is the founder and creator of http://jpompey.com. To learn more about why he has been featured on GMA, The Huffington Post, and Hundreds of other sites.

Published: August 7, 2014

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