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3 Things Never to Tell an Entrepreneur About Her/His Spouse

By: Tim Berry


I just read 7 Things Never to Tell Your Spouse About Business Finances, posted by Barry Molz on Amex OPEN forum. I like it. I like Barry, too, I’ve been on his podcast and I like his work. But his tone here makes me uncomfortable.

If you’re curious, compare Barry’s tone in that post to mine in some of my (somewhat confessional) posts on me and my wife and entrepreneurship: My biggest startup boost, for example; or this true story on relationships vs. new business. And yes, my wife and I have been married 44 years, in a relationship that has survived years of scraping to support a startup, and sending five kids through college; so maybe I maybe I know something about this.
Not that Barry doesnt offer some good advice with his post. He does. This one, for example, about dealing with cash flow problems:
Don’t give your spouse a daily cash report, since it’s always changing. Instead say, “Money will be tight for the rest of the year.” You will be right most of the time.
But there is no excuse for the multiple references to the spouse as “she” in that post. I know Barry and he knows better. This is nasty stereotyping. The whole “don’t worry your pretty head” motif is 1.) offensive; and 2.) obsolete. And, ironically, all of Barry’s advice here has nothing to do with gender, no reason whatsoever to make the spouse female. So why make it gender specific? It just dilutes the advice.
And secondly, regardless of gender, keeping a spouse in the dark about serious business issues is a really bad idea. Specifically, Barry’s suggestion about what to tell a spouse when a major investor pulls out …
Don’t say anything, and work privately to learn to project your cash flow better so you can survive the bumps in the road.
… is really bad advice. What a terrible thing to suggest. First of all, that idea makes for an incredibly lonely entrepreneur. Nobody normal can help fretting over that kind of a situation. Not to share it with the most important person in your life, who is by definition a person who is going to share the consequences if you go under. Horrendously bad advice.
And here’s another piece of really bad (well, maybe just insulting) advice on what to say when you have a buyer for the company:
If you do tell her about any pending deals, make sure she understands that nothing is set in stone until the money is in the bank. Also, don’t give her the dollar details; when the deal closes and the money is in the bank you can say: “Honey, what can we do with an extra $100 million?
The first part of that advice is not bad, but condescending, and unfortunately also gender specific. The second part is insulting.
My apologies to Barry for a bit of a rant, but I’m father to four daughters, and this stuff really gets my goat.
And the best conclusion for this blog post is a quote from one of my previous blog posts:
[This was the] biggest boost to starting a business: My wife said “go for it; you can do it.” And she meant it. At several key points along the way, she made it clear that we would take the risk together. There was never the threat of “I told you so, why did you leave a good job, you idiot!” What she said was “if you fail, we’ll fail together, and then we’ll figure it out. We’ll be okay.”
This article was originally published by Tim Berry
Published: July 1, 2014

a man

Tim Berry

Tim Berry is co-founder of Have Presence, founder and Chairman of Palo Alto Software, founder of bplans.com, and a co-founder of Borland International. He is author of books and software including LivePlan and Business Plan Pro, The Plan-As-You-Go Business Plan, and Lean Business Planning, published by Motivational Press in 2015. He has a Stanford MBA degree and degrees with honors from the University of Oregon and the University of Notre Dame. He taught starting a business at the University of Oregon for 11 years.

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