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Spring Cleaning for a Stress-Free Office

A cluttered office can cause stress because it can inhibit your productivity, serve as a constant reminder of your heavy workload, cause you embarrassment, and make it difficult for you to easily find what you need to be able to do your job.

Take it from me, the spring season presents the perfect opportunity to de-clutter and freshen up an office that has taken on a life of its own. Here’s what I’ve recently done to make my office a more organized and comfortable working environment :
1. Recycle: Take a recycling bin and get rid of all newspapers, printed articles, publications, pamphlets, cards, calendars and mailers that have accumulated over time. Start from your desk area and move on to book cases, filing cabinets, tables, and other surfaces where you may store materials that you no longer need.
2. Shred: Starting with your desk, go through any files and stacks of paper and weed out old documents and emails that merely take up space. Shred anything containing personal or business information—be ruthless! Paper stored for too long can give your office a musty odor. Today’s savvy office workers maintain digital files. Tackle that overstuffed file cabinet, weed out and shred age-old paperwork that you don’t need. Out with the old, in with the new!
3. De-Clutter: Now that you can see bare surfaces again, it’s time to remove all of the clutter that may have found its way into your office from seasons gone by. These might include: tote bags, empty boxes, old promotional items—the digital clock that long stopped working, the foam “stress balls,” lanyards, plastic coffee cups, date books, etc. A clean slate will put you in a stress-free state of mind.
4. Dust removal: Now that you’ve removed all of the dust-collectors, it’s time to dust using furniture polish and a clean dust cloth. Remove dust from your desk, shelves, filing cabinets, windowsills, light fixtures, and any surface that you have just de-cluttered. Don’t forget to vacuum dusty carpets or floors.
5. Decorate: Now that you can breathe and move freely in your office, you’ll want to add a few finishing touches. Here are some suggestions: a new desk set; a new lampshade for your office lamp; a colorful wall hanging; tasteful art; a small ceramic bowl with fresh potpourri.
Once you’ve followed these steps, you, too, can enjoy a more comfortable, organized and stress-free office.
This article was originally published by Biz2Credit
Published: May 1, 2015

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