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4 Basic Ways to Get Your Startup Funded

By: Lee Daley


Basic Ways to Get Your Startup Funded

Thanks to the age of the internet, more people than ever before are beginning to discover new opportunities for bringing their entrepreneurial dreams to life. These days, you don’t necessarily need a huge amount of cash or a lot of investors to begin running your own company. With a little intuition and the right business plan, you can accomplish anything.

However, there are some steps that you’re going to need to take if you want to get started on the right track. Launching your own business can be a complex experience—particularly if you’re new to the entrepreneur world. Fortunately, the following steps will help you with one of the most important parts of building your company: getting it funded.

Start with a Business Plan

The first thing you need to get your company funded, is a detailed business plan. Your business plan is going to help you to figure out how to operate your company in a lucrative way. It will show you which opportunities you need to take, which you need to avoid, and how much money you need to make each month to keep the lights on.

Businesses with the right plans in place often have higher growth rates and make more money overall. What’s more, your plan will be the key to getting investors to pay attention to your organization. After all, all investors want to know that you’ve thought carefully about how to grow your company. At the same time, your business plan could even help you to get the loan you need to get your idea off the ground!

Deal with your Banking Situation

Once you know what you’re going to do with your company, you can begin to think about your bank and how you’re going to manage your finances. Set up a business bank account so that you can get your personal and business finances separated from day one. At the same time, you can apply for a loan from the appropriate bank or funding environment. Remember, dress professionally and bring your plan to the meeting to prove you know what you’re talking about.

If your loan application is denied, perhaps because there’s not enough evidence proving that you’re going to be successful yet, then you could always consider using a personal line of credit instead.

Seek Help from Family and Friends

In the US, friends and family are some of the most popular ways to get support with money—particularly when launching a startup. If you don’t need a lot of cash, and you know that your loved ones have some extra money to spare, then they might be able to help you get started. After all, most of the time, you won’t have to work as hard to prove yourself to your friends as family, as they already believe in your potential.

Just remember that there are some risks involved in approaching friends and family for money. If anything goes wrong with your company, then there’s even more pressure on you, as you might not be able to pay your loved ones back.

Explore the Alternatives

If you find that a bank loan isn’t the right strategy for you, and you can’t get the money you need from your friends and family either, then take your business plan and approach other solutions instead. For instance, venture capitalists might be willing to offer you some money that you can use to launch your business in exchange for a part ownership of your company.

You could also consider looking into angel investors, who can either take a portion of your business, or offer you money in exchange for debt repayments—similar to getting a loan. If neither of those options work for you, there are a number of exceptional new ideas emerging in the business landscape today, including crowdfunding with websites like kickstarter. If people really believe in the product or service that you’re bringing to market, then they could help you to start it.

Finding the Right Funding Methods

There are a lot of different ways to get the funding that you need to launch your new company, from dipping into your personal savings account, to accessing support from your friends and family. The kind of strategy that you use to bring your company to life will depend on what kind of brand you want to build, and what you’re willing to do to chase your dreams. Just don’t give up—if one option doesn’t work for you, try something else!

Published: February 11, 2020

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Lee Daley

Lee Daley is a personal finance blogger from the United Kingdom who specializes in producing content aimed at small business startups and the newly self-employed.

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