Remember back in the day when you could subscribe to a Book of the Month Club or a Record of the Month Club? It was a novel idea to have a new item chosen with your preferences in mind and have it sent directly to your house. Today, of course, there are many direct mail clubs, including Fruit, Cheese, and even Wine of the Month.
Why not capitalize on this “club” idea and create your own version of a monthly promotional club, thanks to a wide variety of National Monthly (and Daily) Events, which can easily be found on the Internet.
January, for instance, is National Oatmeal Month. It’s also National Baking Month (which makes it the ideal time to offer oatmeal cookies and/or a great time to own a bakery). The point is you can plan an entire marketing campaign around one idea.
Here’s how can you make the most of the 31 or 30 (or 28) days to promote National Fill-In-The-Blank Month. For starters, make a plan. Give yourself time to think it through, and give your customers time to get excited about it.
Get ideas. Start searching the web for upcoming themes that pertain to your business, your town, or your clientele. For example, April is National Keep America Beautiful Month, which is the perfect incentive to get involved in community cleanups that spring up this time of year and link it back to your business with a giveaway recyclable bag (with your company information and logo on it). And July is National Ice Cream Month. Small businesses can get in on the act, offering cold treats on hot days, regardless of what products you provide. And watch the smiles grow.
Promote. Promote. Promote. Place flyers around your store and advertise on your website. Create a sale tied into the monthly theme and send coupons to your customers, either by email or through a colorful direct mail piece.
Smile! Take photos throughout the month (not just during National Photo Month in May) and post them on your site. Consider creating a page just for this special four-week period and link to it from your Home Page (a good way to drive customers deeper into your site).
Whatever the month and whatever the theme, have fun, be creative, and set the tone for an exciting promotion with colorful displays and signage.
It’s always National Customer Day at Biz2Credit where our experts are waiting for you.