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Can Quora Act as a Source of Clients for Your Business?

By: SmallBizClub


Can Quora Act as a Source of Clients

I read through a lot of blogs and forums of an evening. I often find inspiration and motivation from other people’s success stories.

I discovered a number of people discuss that they recommended Quora as a form of gaining site visits and client queries.

I had heard of Quora before, but never actually used it until recently. So I decided to see what it was all about for myself.

I wanted to fully immerse myself into Quora by getting involved in answering questions, but only if I felt I can provide value. So that is exactly what I started doing.

I was actually pleasantly surprised how many opportunities can arise from this platform, and now fully understand why people are so keen to use it.

Allow me to elaborate.

The benefits of Quora

To be perfectly honest I have not spent as much time answering questions on Quora as I would have liked or perhaps should have.

However it is clear to see that those that have can really see benefit.

This can be in the form of website traffic, referrals and even client leads.

I can personally see evidence of this working well when people submerge themselves within one specialist category only. They then take the time to answer questions within that area, and that area only.

That could be automobile, football, real estate, Facebook marketing, blogging or a whole host of other options within Quora.

So for this example, assume you were a Facebook marketer and saw this question appear on Quora:

Quora 01

It only has four people following the answer at present. However if you were able to offer a detailed response that highlights the benefits of Facebook ads, with an example of a particularly successful campaign; then this may well lead to an enquiry, or at least a visit to your site.

Just consider how potentially powerful that response could be to anyone looking for someone to outsource the launch of a Facebook ad campaign.

You will find dozens of examples like this that you could respond to each week within your specialist subject.

It seems the people getting the most traction within this platform, are the ones not trying to answer everything for everyone.

They are attracting web traffic, social media follows and real engagement simply by providing real value to the audience.

They are not wasting time giving short answers which do not fully answer the question.

I would add a word of caution and focus on just trying to help one community within Quora. I began by trying answer questions on blogging, Facebook ads, Real estate and SEO; as a result I became seen as an expert in… nothing.

So that was my take away point.

Round up

There is more than enough evidence out there to prove that Quora can be a valuable resource if used correctly.

If you can portray yourself as the expert in an industry, or even just answer some questions extremely well. This can very realistically generate potential leads and business for you.

Do be warned that similar to Reddit, there is a real danger of allowing yourself to be absorbed into the depths of popular conversations and topics within the site.

There are some crazy questions asked that occasionally allow my curiosity to take over and explore. Similar to this one:

Quora 02

See what I mean.

In all seriousness this is not likely to become your more consistent form of traffic generation, but it certainly can provide leads for your business.

Alan AllsoppAuthor: Alan Allsopp is an internet marketer, and the founder of expropria.com, providing SEO for estate agents.

Published: August 31, 2016

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