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4 Tips for Starting a Thriving Podcast for Your Business

By: Parker Davis


Starting a Thriving Podcast for Your Business

Have you ever thought about starting a podcast for your business?

When it comes to content marketing, many businesses stick to blogging and the occasional video. But the businesses that find the most success are those that see the value in podcasting.

Besides providing another way for people to experience your content, podcasts also provide several unique benefits for your business.

How a Podcast Can Benefit Your Business

Podcasts allow for a stronger connection between you and your customers. Entrepreneur reports, “By allowing you to talk to your audience directly, in your own voice, podcasts help you connect with your audience on a deeper and more personal level.”

Unlike other forms of content that require a person’s full attention, a podcast is something they can listen to while they’re performing other tasks, such as driving, working or exercising.

Another benefit is that when you know what you’re doing, the setup process for a podcast is simple. There are plenty of extensive guides online; start with The Podcast Host’s beginner guide, and follow these four steps to start a podcast that gets results for your business.

Read more on marketing podcasts

1. Listen to High-Quality Podcasts

The best way to learn the art of podcasting is listening to podcasts that have proven to be successful and informative. You can find out what show formats worked well for others and how they keep the audience’s interest. There are plenty of outstanding podcasts, but if you’re not sure where to start, a few good business-centric options are Dorm Room Tycoon, StartUp and Duct Tape Marketing.

2. Get the Right Equipment and Software

Sound quality is essential for your podcast, and if you want it to take off, you’ll need good equipment and software. Fortunately, microphones have gotten much less expensive, and there are mics with sufficient quality available for about $50. For a podcast you record at your home or office, it’s important to have a room with at least some soundproofing to eliminate background noise.

If you’re doing the audio editing yourself, there are excellent free software options available, such as Audacity. To call people for interviews, you can use Skype and a third-party recording software.

3. Pick a Format for Each Episode

Now, it’s time to get into the details that will make or break your podcast. The format of your podcast is crucial, and most podcasts will have many different elements that make up the entire show. A solid format is the difference between a professional podcast and someone rambling into a microphone for an hour.

The Podcast Host lists off a few options of formats, including the Solo Podcast, the Co-hosted Podcast, the Roundtable, and the Interview Podcast. How do you find the right format for your business? Try a few on for size: “The secret is to experiment in the early days. Try a few different methods over your first 20 episodes. See which ones incite a lot of feedback, and which ones fit your personality.”

Your podcast’s format is up to you, but most will start with an introductory message and any important announcements. From there, you can launch into any segments you’d like, such as interviews, tips for listeners or answers to listener questions. You can end your podcast with an outro or a call to action. If you have sponsors, you’ll need to work those into each show, as well, though it may be better to wait until your podcast gains traction before you get sponsors.

4. Bring in Guests

Guests are a great way to bolster your podcast. When you bring on a guest, you don’t need to do all the heavy lifting, so to speak, in making the podcast interesting and insightful. You could also gain more listeners who tune in because they are fans of your guest and decide to keep listening in the future.

Start by putting together a list of people that would interest your audience. Reach out to them via email to invite them on. In the out-reach email, show exactly how it can benefit them to go on your podcast. Including stats, followers, and sponsors here is a good idea.

You may not get a “yes” from everyone, but if you contact enough people, you’ll find some who wouldn’t mind being interviewed to expand their own audience and share their knowledge.

Moving Forward With Your New Podcast

A podcast can put your business in front of a whole new audience and help you build a devoted listener base. Once you get going with your podcast, consistency is key to steadily grow your audience.

Use these tips on how to start a podcast to launch yours the right way!

Published: November 10, 2017

Parker Davis

Parker Davis

Parker Davis is the CEO of Nexa, a leader in the virtual receptionist and technology enabled answering services industry. He believes that the application of data analytics, investment in technology, and fostering a positive company culture together create highly efficient and scalable growth companies. In 2016, Nexa achieved record revenues while also being awarded the Top Companies to Work For in Arizona award. Parker is also the Managing Partner of Annison Capital Partners, LLC, a private investment partnership. Follow him on Twitter @callnexa and on Facebook and LinkedIn.

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