If you go to bed thinking about how to make your business bigger and get up at the crack of dawn to begin carrying out those ideas, then you are a growth hacker. You are one of the very select few who is so focused on making your business grow that failure does not even cross your mind. If this describes you, here are some growth hacking strategies for startups that you may want to employ.
Many companies achieved their success through growth hacking. Keep in mind, however, that not all growth hacks for startup tips will work for all companies. In order for it to work for yours, you need to put your own unique spin on the ideas. Then, promote it with everything that you have proving that you have what it takes to be a growth hacker every day of your life.
Referral Schemes
Many successful businesses have been built on referral schemes. After all, who knows your products better than a customer who you have already impressed?
In order to own this idea, however, you need to keep some very important tips in mind. You must have a quality referral program that your customers will proudly recommend to their friends.
Your referral system must be incredibly easy to use and have clearly established rules.
Consider the cost of the reward. While Elon Musk may be able to give away a free Tesla electric car with the right number of signups, your company may not be in that position yet. Instead, you may want to drop from Evernote’s example who gave away free storage space when their customers recommended their friends.
Promote your referral program where your customers will see it. Then, remind them often about the benefits of sharing your great company with their friends.
Give Something Away
Stop and ask yourself what your customers really want. Then, ponder how much of that can you give them for free in exchange for their lead information.
Printables, checklists and workbooks are great freebies that take very little investment to produce. They should tie into your product and prove that you are really an expert who can be trusted in your field.
If you choose to offer your freebie through an email, remember to keep the subject line between six and 10 words while reminding recipients of why they signed up in the first place. Grab inspiration from popular song titles to increase opening rates.
Create a Loyalty Program
One of the best growth hacking strategies is to build a loyalty program. Of course, you already know that these programs require a strong foundation for a great product, reasonable price and awesome customer service.
Give your customers a boost to get started. For example, Express Car Wash gave customers two cards for free car washes. Both cards required the participant to have their car washed eight times to get a free car wash. The difference was that one card had 10 holes with two already punched out while the second card had just eight spots. The company tracked the results, and they discovered that the second card had a 300 percent higher completion rate than the first. While you are used to starting things with gusto from scratch, many people enjoy a little head start.
Create a Sense of Urgency
You have a sense of urgency to build a company quickly, and it is vital to pass that sense of urgency on to your clients. One great way to do that is to let your exuberance bubble over in all you post on your blog and to social media.
Think about creating a sense of urgency by:
- Offer free shipping for a limited time or to a limited number of buyers
- Offer a limited stock of products and use a counter to show how many are left
- Create a special edition
- Reward the first “X” buyers
- Offer a presale price on new products
- Offer a limited time donation to a charity that will resonate with your customers
- Offer today-only deals
- Promote sales with popups
- Tease customers with new release announcements
These user acquisition & growth hacking for startups hacks are a great way to get your business off the ground quickly. The great news is that they will continue to build your business far into the future. Therefore, you need to start implementing these growth hacks for startups right now.