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3 Ways to Market Like a Dog

By: Elaine Fogel


Yesterday was International Dog Day. At least that’s what it says on my calendar. So, how to tie this annual event with marketing? Try this on for size…

3 Ways to Market Like a Dog
1. Always be friendly and approachable to prospects and customers. Just as a dog wags its tail to greet you, so should every piece of customer communication, whether formal or casual. Demonstrate your brand’s eagerness to serve them with customer service excellence.
2. Show appreciation for brand loyalty. Dogs are loyal to their owners, especially when they are part of a family. Make your customers part of your brand’s family and show them your appreciation. Offer discounts, freebies, and occasional ‘treats’ to those who are brand loyal.
3. Recognize who’s the boss. Dog trainers teach us how to become the alpha male in the dog-human relationship. We need to take control and have our dogs do as we command. The reality is that most of us are so enamored with our dogs that we often allow them to rule our roosts. In customer relationship management, customers rule. They may not always be right, BUT, they are our customers.
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This article was originally published by Elaine Fogel
Published: August 27, 2013

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Elaine Fogel

Elaine Fogel is a marketing, branding, and customer experience evangelist, professional speaker, and author of Beyond Your Logo: 7 Brand Ideas That Matter Most For Small Business Success. People in 100+ countries regularly read her blog, Totally Uncorked on Marketing and her articles have appeared in many publications.

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