The saying that “the customer is always right” has taken a different shape in the modern age. Today the customer is not only the king, but he or she is also the measure of all things, business-wise. If a business owner wants their startup or company to grow, they need to keep getting regular feeds on their customers’ (dis)satisfaction. And when the information has been gathered, it has to be processed in a proper way.
Customer-centered employee training
No matter if you own a tangible, brick-and-mortar business or an online store, your employees have to be trained to treat every customer with equal respect. Even if your customers do not complain about your service and employees, you should still include several service-related questions in your questionnaires. That way you will know what area your staff should improve to provide even more polite and convenient service.
Moreover, when it comes to questionnaires and surveys, you should not waste money and pay other services, but create a simple and concise form of your own. This step is extremely important for website owners, so check here how to make a questionnaire about the quality of your website.
Feedback-friendly websites
Today you can make a website in hundreds of ways. On one side, you can use free platforms, such as WordPress; on the other side, you can hire professional web designers to have that work done. What you should always include in your website is a review area and/or a forum. When customers have an option to leave direct feedback, it is more likely that they will share their opinion on your products and services with other people.
What is more, the more time your customers spend on your website, the higher is the chance that they will become your loyal and registered clients, contributing to higher traffic on your website.
Embrace the mobiles
Speaking of websites and high traffic, business owners have to pay special attention to mobile users, as well. Since the number of mobile users is expressed in billions, this audience is vital for every business. The most practical solution is to go for a responsive website, because that way you will cover all the existing platforms, from desktop computers to smartphones to tablets.
However, if you want to aim at younger generations, it is also smart to make an app (or have it made) and give your customers an option to buy and comment on your products through the app. It is faster than any kind of web design and speed can be pretty important when it comes to ecommerce. Modern business apps are better and more popular than ever before, so this investment is worth trying.
Steps in the aftermath
When you get feedback, it is extremely important how you are going to use it. As we have already pointed out, you need to constantly work with your employees to convince them that customers should be treated with dignity. In addition, you have to analyze the received data and organize management meetings to discuss the most obvious problems. If you get too many negative reviews that could harm your business in a more serious way, you should hire a consultant or a PR-expert to devise a strategy that will improve your reputation. Nevertheless, have a look at an analysis made by Entrepreneur.com before you hire a PR company.
If you work in the tertiary or quaternary sectors, your main focus should be your customers and your services. It is clear that you will cease to exist if you lose your customers. This is why you should work hard to get their feedback and adjust your business to their needs. Only that way will your business become a recognized and appreciated enterprise.
Author: Dan Radak is a web hosting security professional with ten years of experience. He is a coauthor on several websites and regular contributor to BizzMark Blog. Currently, he is working with a number of companies in the field of online security, closely collaborating with a couple of e-commerce companies.