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Learn Qualities of a Good Networker

By: Deb Bixler


Learn the Qualities of a Good Networker

At a recent seminar I was asked ‘What are the qualities of a good networker? What makes a good networker?”

The short answer… look for new friends!

The Business Network International, the world’s largest networking referral organization, lists 7 qualities of a good networker.

7 Qualities Of A Good Networker

According to BNI they are – in this order:

  1. Good Listener: Use the 10 second rule to become good at this one!
  2. Positive attitude: Contagious enthusiasm is the key!
  3. Seek to Help others: Sales means to serve so with a focus on helping others you will be an awesome sales professional!
  4. Sincere/Authentic: If you are only in it for yourself, they will see through you!
  5. Follow up: If you do not follow up within 24-48 hours the lead is lost!
  6. Trustworthy: Personally, I think integrity should be first on the list!
  7. Approachable: Are people comfortable walking up to you and talking?

No one is born a good networker.

It is a skill that you can develop. Becoming an effective networker takes time, patience, acceptance and an understanding that you are not trying to GET people to do anything.

Your goal is friendship.

Instead of seeking out business relationships go for friendships. The more friends you have the more business (long term) will come your way.

When you are a good listener, with a positive attitude sincerely seeking friendships, you will find people who are helped by your services. When you follow up quickly and people feel good about working with you, your business will thrive.

Focus on friendship and develop the skills of a great networker and it will pay off!

Published: April 27, 2017

Source: Create a Cash Flow Show

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Deb Bixler

Direct sales party plan educator, Deb Bixler, host of the Cash Flow Show - Direct Sales Radio is the leading authority for home party plan business training. Recognized worldwide, Deb provides corporate consultancy, party plan coaching, online and live training events as well as social media management for the home business consultant.

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