While price is a dollar amount, value is the relative worth or desirability of a thing (product, service, idea, opportunity, etc.) to the end user or beholder.
If you want to sell successfully, it’s vital to remember this…
“Value is always in the eyes of the beholder.”
Ask questions to better understand THEIR wants & needs. What we (the salesperson) believe to be the main benefits and value of our product or service may not be what our prospect believes them to be.
And, the selling process is not about us; it’s about them.
So, be sure to ask the right questions and then listen for the answers that will help you to connect the benefits (value) of your product or service with the wants, needs and desires of your prospect.
Because, remember, it’s what they find to be of value; not what we find to be of value, that ultimately counts.
This article was originally published by Bob Burg
Published: April 4, 2014