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First-Party Data Marketing: 3 Powerful Use Cases

Marketing has undergone a dramatic shift in its approach and implementation. Gone are the days when it was solely based on assumptions or speculations. Now, marketing is based on reliable and authentic customer data, which…

Tired of Streaming? Try Watching a DVD During the COVID-19 Quarantine

COVID-19 has isolated us from our larger communities. This deadly virus has made us so helpless that we cannot do anything other than work and stay in our homes. We miss the many activities that…

4 Ways To Train Employees On New Software

Business owners and managers are scrambling to digitize their operations and equip their workforce with the tech literacy they need to thrive during Covid-19 and beyond. But many are stumbling or failing outright when it…

TOP 5 Machine Learning Courses in 2020

Machine learning is finally at the stage when not only computer scientists can utilize it efficiently, but businesses as well. This technology can help with customer personalization, determining where and when to invest resources, calculating…

6 Software Systems that are Essential for Every Startup

Starting a business is never easy. You have a lot of things to manage simultaneously. You make many mistakes and every single one of them contributes to damaging your business. An easy way to minimize…

Do This for SEO Before You Pay to Hire a Pro

Serious site audits, link building and the like can be rather complicated. As a result, you might end up thinking that you must hire outside professional help. Don’t get into that rut. There are a…

Top 7 Features to Look for When Choosing a CRM

Whether you have a quickly growing small business or a multi-department corporation, you need to have a great, customer relationship management system (CRM) in place. CRM platforms help keep all the functions of your business…

How to Create a Schedule Your Employees Will Love

The typical 9-to-5, seven-day schedule is becoming a thing of the past. Technology, global commerce, and a new generation of workers are ushering in new ways to work. And workers are favoring more flexible schedules…

Why Q1 is the Best Time to Switch or Start Using Payroll Software

You’ve recently crossed the finish line for the calendar year. Does it mean it’s time to celebrate with your spiked eggnog recipes? Well before you do, we have one more tip to make that beverage…

How to Select the Best PLM Option for Your Business

Working in the retail industry can be tough because there is always competition brewing. Every company or business is always trying to introduce new ways to stay as a favorite brand while making the most….

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