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5 Mobile Apps to Keep You Productive in Your Franchise

Is your on-the-go lifestyle making it hard for you to keep up with your business? Technology is coming to the rescue. Your smartphone does more than call, text and email. It’s waiting to be filled…

11 Apps to Make Your Smartphone Work Harder for Your Business

It’s easy to view your smartphone as nothing more than an elaborate distraction. However, if you use it properly, it has the potential to be an incredibly powerful business ally. By utilizing built-in features, such…

Increasing Profitability Using the Cloud

A study of 2,975 small business leaders from around the globe found that small businesses that use the cloud are more likely to have higher profit margins than businesses who are non-users. The recent research…

3 Free Apps to Simplify Your Business & Personal Life

Looking for tools to make your daily tasks a breeze? Here are 3 free apps that are sure to keep you organized and productive every day! 1. Sunrise If you’re looking for a calendar app…

Leave the Ad Bidding Headaches to Software Programs

These days, if you happen to be in a marketing presentation, you cannot escape hearing “big data” and “personalized advertising” a couple of times, at least. Then there will be the epic cliché of advertising—“the…

Why Software Subscription Serves It Up Fresh

Take General Mills and its goal to eliminate artificial flavors and colors in cereals due to the consumer demand for simple ingredients. That’s easier said than done when entire product lines, food production, and recipes require overhauls…

6 Simple Ways to Make Google Analytics Work for You

Google Analytics is a powerful tool that businesses can use to track their online presence. In the hands of a proficient marketer, Google Analytics can work. However awesome the tool itself is it can only go…

An ERP Solution Can Empower and Grow Your Business

Business is advancing and evolving at a rate never before experienced, and an ERP system (Enterprise Resource Planning Solution) has become a key element to business survival. An ERP solution centralizes, integrates and automates all…

3 Tips to Handle High Volume Sales

If you’re a small business and you’re rapidly growing, you may face the issue of dealing with high volume sales. The question is how to handle it effectively. Extra staff or overtime work? Are there…

Telco Cloud Computing Basics for Web Designers

Web designers already rely heavily on the latest apps and must be up to date with the most recent technology. Cloud computing systems are now a major part of this framework, whether you’re working on…

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