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10 New Venture Strategies That Often Lead to Disaster

Every entrepreneur I know has their favorite excuse for a previous failure—an investor backed out, the economy took a downturn, or a supplier delivered bad quality. These things outside your control do happen, but based…

Materiality and FDD Amendments: What Every Franchisor Needs to Know

Business is a world in flux. With circumstances, processes, and dynamics constantly changing, franchisors need to be mindful of material changes and meticulous in amending their Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) as required by the Federal…

The 3 Phases of a Tech Startup

Most tech startups go through three phases: 3Fs, Seed and VC/Scale. Understanding these stages, and the objectives for each, is an important factor in strategy development and decision making. Not understanding the stage you’re currently…

Popular Small Businesses by State

All across the country, entrepreneurs are starting, or thinking about starting, small businesses. Yet, the kinds of businesses these resourceful individuals are pursuing are as varied as a map of the United States. Bid on…

5 Major Mistakes to Avoid Sinking Your Franchise Before You Even Open for Business

If you are thinking about buying a franchise, the decisions you make now could have significant consequences for the success or failure of your business down the road. From choosing the best franchise opportunity for…

military family outside house with American falg

The Best Franchise Opportunities for Veterans

You devoted several years of your life to serving your country. Now, you’re transitioning back to civilian life wondering where your next “mission” will take your career. Many military veterans consider entrepreneurial endeavors like small…

5 Key Successes Will Sustain Entrepreneur Inspiration

Many experts are certain that successful entrepreneurs are the ones with the most inspiration (passion and dream), while others will assert that it’s about more perspiration (working harder). In my experience, both are always required…

Contractor or Employee? 7 Things to Consider Before Leaving Your Day Job

Being your own boss sounds great, right? Make your own hours, nobody to tell you what to do, no more office politics. While being an independent contractor, such as a consultant or freelancer, can offer…

The Secret to Escaping Your Day Job

Many of us sit in our office cubicles dreaming. Escaping the 9 to 5. Telling the boss you have fired “them.” Packing your bags and not coming back. But most of us never make the…

Thriving with Knowledge Commerce

Today, many small business owners are engaged in knowledge commerce, selling their expertise on a topic to students or businesses who want to learn. These “infopreneurs” are a growing class of small business owners and…

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