Funding a Startup

5 Logistical Steps for Startups Seeking Investors

Don’t charge the hill until you are “ready.” This probably seems obvious to military types, but I see entrepreneurs violating this rule all the time. They approach key potential investors way too early.

Build a Company—Not Just a Product

Some businesses are built around a single idea. And sometimes that idea is just too small a slice of the big picture to be interesting to investors.

Two Key Digital Innovations for Small Business

There’s never been a more exciting time to be a small business owner. Whether you are a sole proprietor or have a team of employees working for you, never before have so many innovative tools been available to improve your business.

Include Your Labor Value in Your Plan

Investors love it when entrepreneurs draw little or no money from their startups. It extends the cash available for research and other necessary fixed costs and gives the fragile, young company more “runway” to get to breakeven.

Realistic Options for Financing Your Startup

One of the first challenges new entrepreneurs face is finding a way to finance their businesses. You have a great business idea but little money to implement it; and, like every entrepreneur before you, you try to scrounge enough money to launch your startup—your dream.

Project Cash Flow, Not Just Profit, During Start-Up

Business plans that I see often show three to five years of projections, demonstrating profitability at the end of so many months of operation. Most every one of these uses an accrual basis for determining break-even, never attempting to predict the cash impact of major items.

3 Ways to Fund Your New Startup

Knowing the most common funding options gives you the foundation you need to develop your customized fundraising strategy. So here is a quick(ish) overview of the most common funding types for early-stage startups.

Small Business Financing: Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding, sometimes also referred to as “how to get strangers to pay for your stuff,” is a relatively new concept. If you’re not familiar with it, popular crowd funding sites like Kickstarter or Indiegogo can help people to fund projects that they wouldn’t be able to get a traditional loan for.

How Can I Reduce the Startup Costs of My Small Business?

Retail space… expensive equipment… unanticipated extra costs… these can be significant costs of running a small business. Reducing expenses help maximize the bottom line. Here are some tips on how to reduce the start-up costs of your small business.

Why Kickstarter Campaigns Fail

Plenty of entrepreneurs have found success with their crowdfunding campaigns. Failure though, is always a possibility—even when the end is in sight and it seems to be a sure thing. Crooked Bottle, an aspiring local brewbub, learned that lesson the hard way.

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