Creating a Plan

11 Common Mistakes in a Startup’s First Year

Getting a company up and running is an exciting time. You likely have a strong passion for what you’re doing and a vision for where you’d like to go in the next few years. Everything…

Restaurant Industry Trends: What to Adopt and What to Not

Establishing and running a restaurant in the 21st century is not what it used to be. Even in the last decade, the industry has undergone tremendous change. Restaurant owners must be ready to adapt as…

Become a Pet-Friendly Business

Pets have always been our best friends, but now more than ever they can also be our business partners. The power of pets in our economy is strong and taking advantage of opportunities in pet…

Why It Pays to Focus Your Business on a Narrow Niche

Everyone in the business world has heard of the old bestseller by Geoffrey A. Moore titled “Crossing the Chasm,” but most entrepreneurs have no idea how it relates to them. In fact, it’s all about…

10 Great Startup Business Ideas for Computer Experts

Having a great understanding of technology, computers in particular, opens doors to a lot of business opportunities. If you have been using computers for years, you should have quite a lot of knowledge to start…

7 Whirlwind New Venture Partner Marriages to Avoid

Most entrepreneurs who start a company alone soon come to the conclusion that two heads are better than one—someone to share the workload, the hard decisions, and the costs. In a moment of crisis, you…

11 Essential Things to Consider Before Starting Your Own Tech Business

Technology is one of the fastest growing segments in business startups. If you think about starting a tech business, you may wonder how you’ll stand out amidst all the competition and what exactly it takes…

What Goes Up in a Down Economy?

When any economic bubble bursts, a recession is likely to follow. Economists have been monitoring economic factors and signaling a coming recession, and potential bubbles that will drive it include the student loan bubble and…

The Advantages of Opening Your Own Dental Practice

Training to become a dentist is a long process that requires a lot of hard work. Once you become qualified, you need to find the right job for you. Which practice will you join? How…

Your Core Competency and Why Not to Stray

Consider your core. It is the one skill, process or advantage you have over your competition. Then think of all the things you do to surround that core with people and assets that complete your…

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