Sales Activities

Want to Increase Your Small Business Sales? Hit the Road

If you are looking for ways to expand your business, consider adding a mobile component. Obviously it has to fit with your business model, but here are three ideas to think about: pick up, delivery and on-location sales.

What Are Buyer Personas & Why Do They Matter?

When it comes to developing your marketing and branding strategy, there is nothing quite so important as having a clear understanding of your target market.

Do You Know How Your Customer is Measured?

Metrics are important to knowing how we are doing in achieving our goals. Some of those metrics are critical in evaluating performance or to our compensation plans. Every sales person understands how they are measured and are driven to achieve their goals.

5 Tips for Getting Over Stage Fright

Whether you are speaking to group of two in a sales presentation or you’re standing at a podium, with hundreds of eyes on you, the intent is the same. Have stage fright? You’re not alone. They say that our greatest fear, once you’ve eliminated death as a choice, is public speaking.

Before We Can “Teach” Our Customers, We Have to Learn From Them

Teaching our customers is a cornerstone of Challenger, Insight Selling, and just plain good sales practice. We want to help our customers learn. It’s actually not that new a concept—we’ve always taught our customers something. It used to be about our products, or our solutions, or our companies.

Return Policy and Sales

A return policy is a crucial component of any sales and marketing strategy. However, so many businesses forget how important it is to their ability to sell products and services.

Government Contracts: A Win-Win for Everyone

The federal government and small businesses go together like bread and butter. When they work together, the governmental entity gets to work with a specialized small business and often has access to upper management that it would not have otherwise.

The Rewards of Analyzing Your Customer

A recent report published by the Aberdeen Group presents some interesting statistics regarding the value of customer analytics. The author of the report was Omer Minkara. The bottom line is the statistical improvement in performance that is consistently demonstrated by companies using customer analytics compared to those who do not is no longer questionable.

You’re Not Playing Baseball: Ditch the Pitch

Whether you are selling something or trying to get people to cooperate with you, ditch the “pitch;” leave the pitching for the baseball field.

If You’ve Got a Chip on Your Shoulder, Why Are You in Marketing or Sales?

When you cold-call prospects, how do you respond when they ask if you’re selling something? It’s a very common question busy people will ask when they don’t know you.

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