Sales Activities

Sales Heroics are Actually Sales Failures!

All of us revel in stories of the deal where we took dramatic actions and ultimately won—hopefully not by discounting. We get an Adrenalin rush in talking about this things that we did to pull…

Reach Out to Employee Relations Committees

In our ongoing series on direct sales bookings tip #74: contacting employee relations committees. As a home business owner and professional sales consultant, you should be employing as many creative marketing strategies as you can to reach…

The Importance of Willpower in Sales Execution

Recently, I had a call with a top salesman I coach. I asked how selling to his top 25 clients was going. He shared that he hadn’t stuck to his strategy because he wasn’t excited…

Thoughts on Agility

Agile is one of the “hot” business buzzwords these days, right along with digital, transformation, and disruptive. (You get double buzzword bingo points if you can use, “disruptive, agile, digital business transformation” in a single…

Valuing Time: Your Customers’ and Yours

Time is the only non-recoverable thing that each of us controls. We waste it, it’s forever lost. We waste our customers’/prospects’ time, we’ve cheated them out of their most precious commodity. We let our customers/prospects…

What You’ve Always Been Doing Won’t Get You Where You Want to Be

I do dozens of business reviews with all sorts of organizations, globally. Many are struggling, they aren’t hitting their numbers—at least consistently. Or their markets/customers are changing, or their competitors are changing. They are all…

Getting What You Get, or Getting What You Want?

Over the past several weeks, I’ve been sitting in a number of pipeline and deal reviews. While the companies are in very different businesses, different solutions, different sales processes, different sales force maturities, I’ve noticed…

Thanks for Training Me Not to Answer My Phone!

I’ve stopped answering my phone—whether it’s my office, mobile, or home phone, I’ve stopped answering it unless: I recognize the phone number and it’s someone I know. I recognize the caller ID and it’s someone…

The “Last Mile” in Selling

In the old days of telecom, the days when telecom was dominated by landlines, one of the most important strategies had to do with the “last mile.” (Actually, much of the conversation around net-neutrality is…

Don’t End the Perfect Sale with Unreliable or Unsafe Delivery Methods

Internet shopping has taken the world by storm; a whole variety of products and services are now available for people all over the world to purchase at the click of a button. This is great…

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