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How to Hire a Bookkeeper
Knowing the ins and outs of how to hire a bookkeeper is important for running a successful business. It is essential to get the right person working for you who is a good match for your company.
Setting Up Your Accounting System
Having a good accounting system in place is essential in order for your business to grow to its fullest potential. Here is your blueprint for setting it up.
How to Hire a Consultant for Your Business
As a business owner, sometimes you may feel that you are too close to the problem at hand. You may find that you and your team of employees work well together, but often think similarly and come about solutions the same way.
3 Top Food Trends for Small Business Owners
Whether you own a restaurant, food truck, or catering business, or you’re a food retailer, keeping up on food trends is an important part of running a successful business. Here are three sizzling-hot food trends to add to your menu or store shelves to help fatten up your profits.
Why You Should Set Benchmarks
One of the things that each and every business needs is a systematic way of evaluating their performance. Without quantifiable benchmarks, a firm has no idea if they are swimming ahead of the pack or just treading water.
7 Ways Freelancers Can Stand Out with New Clients
Every time you take on a new client as a freelancer, you have an opportunity to cement a working relationship that can last for years. To do so, you need to stand out with your clients from the get-go. The tough part is balancing that need with work you need to get done.
Strategy for Streamlining Your Processes
Every startup has to develop a process for doing business. Whether that means the business owner has sketched a detailed map of each employee’s day-to-day functions or merely drawn out a list of guiding principles that lead the organization through each and every business transaction.
Cast Your Net Where the Big Fish Swim
This is one of those “My dad used to say” homilies. You’ve probably heard the accompanying “It takes just as much effort to sell a small deal as a big one,” over the years. The truth of this is more nuanced.
Outsourcing Payroll vs. Doing It In-House
When you first started your business, doing the payroll was pretty easy. You paid yourself and maybe one or two employees. You could do the whole shebang in a couple of hours using desktop PC software. Now, though, your company has grown.
Where Should You House Payroll for Your Small Business?
Every business must have payroll in some form or other. Traditionally, payroll has been one of the most outsourced processes in the business world. But despite the number of solutions available, the choice boils down to a simple dichotomy—keep your payroll in the hands of in-house administrators, or outsource your payroll to a traditional payroll service.