Don’t Neglect These Trademark Basics to Protect Your Product
When it comes to intellectual property, protection is more than just in a name. Trademarks are anything that can indicate to consumers that a product originates from a specific source. Brand names and slogans are…
5 Legal Threats to Your Small Business
A small business owner faces plenty of challenges each day, and some of those challenges could land the owner in a court of law. When you can identify the most significant legal threats that face…
EEOC Reports Updated Sexual Harassment Prevention Strategies for the Workplace
In June of this year, the EEOC published a report which concluded that sexual harassment prevention efforts in the workplace are failing and need to be updated. The EEOC’s Select Task Force on the Study…
How to Protect Your Business from Employee Theft
As a business owner, I have to say that statistics on employee theft are frightening. According to Statistic Brain, $50 billion are stolen from U.S. businesses every year by their own staff, and roughly 75 percent…
7 Simple Steps You Can Use to Stop Workers’ Comp Fraud
All businesses have a fair share of formal and informal procedures and processes to ensure efficiency in dealing with customers and effectiveness of operating costs. As the owner, you should be very hands on with…
5 Ways to Reduce Your Company’s Legal Fees
Whether you just need help drawing up policies to help reduce liability, setting up plans for how to handle any potential litigation, or determining how your organizational structure is going to be laid out, no…
How to Avoid Breaking Employee Break Laws
All work and no play makes for… a zombie workforce. It’s pretty much common sense that everyone needs breaks. But what are employee break laws and how can you avoid getting into trouble? The Definitions of…
Top 3 Legal Mistakes of Beginning Entrepreneurs
You’re an entrepreneur about to launch your new idea and form your own company. You’ve done your homework and you’re ready to go into business and make money. What could possibly go wrong? Let’s double-check…
Your Startup May Need a Surety Bond
Many new, first-time business owners don’t know about surety bonds until they find out they are required to have them—usually as part of the licensing process. Typically, a government agency in your state or county…
Buying a Franchise: How to Legally Protect Yourself
Purchasing a franchise is not only a large investment, but there are also several aspects of running a business that open you up to liability. Partner with experienced professionals throughout the process of buying and…