Surprise! How to Pick Up on a Trend
One of the truths about marketing is that our work often hints at or takes advantages of cultural trends that are on the rise. I love that we get to leverage emerging shifts and mine…
How to Beat the Odds and Build Big Data Projects That Work
By now, there’s little doubt that small businesses must adopt data-driven strategies to thrive in the modern economy. That imperative has driven many to rush headlong into big data projects, only to see them devour…
Important Work Automation Forms to Consider
Businesses are undergoing dramatic transformations with the advent of AI and automation. The very fabric of the workplace is being transformed by the implementation of different types of automation systems. The technological changes are designed…
How Do Food Entrepreneurs Learn? Check Out These Non-Traditional Methods
Entrepreneurship is having its heyday. It’s a term on most tongues in most sectors. The same is true of food. Put together, you get a double hot topic. Across the country, incubators and accelerators are…
Could Small-Town USA Be the Future of the Manufacturing Industry?
There’s a scene in the 1971 film Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factorywhere the title character shows off his “revolutionary, nonpollutionary, mechanical wonder” in action. Willy Wonka, with a twinkle in his eye, pushes a single button, and the entire…
How Much Time Do You Spend “Outside the Box?”
So, you’re managing all that work, all those interruptions, all those texts and pesky emails. You get home at some reasonable hour, kind of tired, and needing a recharge. Sound familiar? Well, that’s probably because…
Balancing Innovation with Healthy Revenue Streams
Many businesses live and die on the speed at which they introduce new ideas. From an outsider’s point of view, this may sound like a call for immediately pushing out as many products or services…
10 Thinking Methods That Foster Business Innovation
Innovation is the key to long-term business success, both in startups as well as established organizations. Yet every business and every entrepreneur I know struggles with this challenge, focused on hiring the right people and…
The Future of AI in the Workplace
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) is spreading like wildfire. Not because it’s state-of-the-art technology, but because it comes with plenty of valuable benefits. Adopting AI goes far beyond following a trend that boosts your…
New Technology Turns Currency Trading into a Viable Business
One’s imagination does not have to leap for an individual to comprehend the deeply-rooted effects technology has had on forex trading. With this advancement in technology, no trader wants to be left behind. Traders are…