
You Are What You Measure

Back in the good old days, measuring your business outcomes and the impact of marketing on those outcomes was a challenge and at best, imprecise. Today, we have the opposite problem. Thanks to the web, Google…

6 Lessons in Data Strategy for Startups

Data can be an intimidating concept for a new company, especially a startup. The paradox is that the agility of a new business and the lack of fixed structures and processes makes it the best…

Move the Barriers with Mobile Technology

For the last couple weeks, we’ve been exploring the seismic shift in marketing that is being brought about by mobile technology and the new consumer attitude of “I want what I want when I want…

This is What the Successful Smart Entrepreneurs are Focusing On

You’re an entrepreneur. Compelled to compete. Desiring to dominate. Wanting to survive. Maybe you even want to leave a legacy and transform and influence an industry. That’s the ultimate goal only achieved by the elite few. These…

Why Virtualization Is Good for Your Business

If you have ever split your computer drive into multiple partitions, you have engaged in what is known as virtualization. A drive partition is defined as a logical division that splits your current hard drive…

How Evolving into a “Tech Company” Could Secure Your Future

How broadly do you define your business? We’re living in an age where business success is shrouded in a conundrum. Let me explain what I mean by that. Regular readers of these pages are well…

Will Tech Kill Your Job?

Stop me if you’ve heard this story before. “My job as a (newspaper publisher telephone installer, stockbroker, travel agent, retail store manager) is safe as this economy continues to grow.” Yup. Thought so. We are in…

Small Business in a Time of Technophobia

If there’s one thing that absolutely will not stop, it’s the inexorable march of technology and innovation. Unfortunately, too many small business owners either don’t understand or are plain ignorant of this fact. According to…

New Manufacturing Jobs Require New Manufacturing Skills

Making spare parts doesn’t sound like ground zero for a technological revolution. But at a time when the entire manufacturing workforce is bracing itself for the changes sweeping the industry, the concept of “replacements” takes…

7 New Business Realities Challenging Every Business

Even small business have a global reach these days, thanks to the Internet. Thus every entrepreneur and business owner needs to see their market in that context, understanding the global forces that will impact them…

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