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Customer Service
Who’s the Boss of Customer Service?
Are you bold enough to BE THE BOSS of your customer service efforts? Although it may seem politically incorrect these days to assert your position as a manager, sometimes it is the only course of action that brings about the kind of customer service that you want to offer your staff and that will build your brand as a customer service leader.
Big Data, Little Data: A Customer Experience Opportunity Waiting to Happen
Big Data is a collection of data so large and complex it becomes difficult to process. However, many companies embrace a different concept of Big Data. While the collection of data is broad, based on a large amount of information and customer feedback, these companies are able to filter through it to understand general customer behavior and trends.
Can Customer Service Go Too Far?
While customer service is critical, it cannot be given away if the costs become prohibitive. I think the answer is to make sure that everyone understands the terms of a deal when they are accepted.
Big Candy Bar Equates to Big Customer Experience
An amenity is something extra you provide your customers. It adds value to their experience. Any company can start to level the competitive playing field by delivering amazing customer service, a great experience and an amenity or two.
Have You Called Your Office Lately?
Too often our customers and potential customers can see the holes in our first impressions much easier than we can. As a matter of fact, we are so familiar with our own business that it is hard to see with the eyes of an outsider.
Stop Limiting Your Ability to Deliver Great Customer Service!
Marketing and customer service are the two thickest pillars of any real business, so having adequate means to fulfill both of these is paramount.
Set a Customer Service Culture with Three Steps to Welcome
What pleases one customer may easily disturb another. But you’ve got to do something. So what should you do? Should your customer service culture be reserved and polite, or outgoing and friendly? Should you be fast and efficient, or personal and attentive? Should you initiate contact and offer immediate help, or wait discreetly until you are asked?
What Makes Customer Service Interactions Good or Bad in the Eyes of the Customer?
An April 2013 Customer Service Study by Dimensional Research pinpointed what makes customers of mid-sized companies happy and what leaves them in dismay. This is the first in a series of blog posts about the important results of this study.
Improve Customer Service by Designing with Clients in Mind
It’s easy to get caught up in designing new things that are “cool” or “elegant” or “hot.” But if you don’t keep your customer in mind throughout, you could end up with an investment that’s “not.” Keep clients in the forefront of your mind with every decision and you can improve customer service quality.