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Strategic Planning
7 Ways to Keep Your Team Productive During Holiday Season
In most workplaces, the move toward the busiest holiday season of the year is marked less by the change in décor and more by the change in productivity. Read on for seven tips to keep your employees happily on task through the holidays without seeming like a killjoy.
Success Requires a Process of Excellence
Success requires a process of excellence. You can never be successful just by saying, “I’m going to succeed.” Instead, you are successful when you set out to improve in every area, to study your strengths and weaknesses and pursue excellence in each aspect.
How Can You Organize Your Business with a Time Horizon?
In the world of business, so many industry terms get thrown around that it can be hard to keep up. “Time horizon” is a term with which many accountants and business owners are or should be familiar. It refers to any goal with a specific expected ending time.
Bad Advice on Data Decisions
My problem is that so-called “data from customers” is rarely truth. Data gathering is plagued with problems of research design, random lists, skewed questions, half truth and innuendo disguised as data.
If It Ain’t Authentic, It Ain’t Sustainable
In a recent issue of Dixie “Dynamite” Gillaspie’s terrific Daily Dose of Dynamite she brilliantly wrote: “Any success that does not allow you to be fully yourself is not sustainable.”
Prioritize to be Most Effective
While I agree with Ben Franklin’s idea, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail,” countless companies have wasted time and money on strategic plans that are collecting dust. People spend lots of time planning but very little time turning those plans into daily actionable tasks. Some suggest that putting your goal in the mirror so you see it every day will make it come true.
Plan Ahead to Stay Ahead
It’s hard to get a running start on the day without a plan. You don’t want to waste your creative morning time wondering what you should do today. If you want to attack your day instead of having it attack you, use this solid strategy.
The No. 1 Enemy of Creativity: Fear of Failure
Never once in my life until my mid 30s did anyone ever (to the best of my recollection) call me “creative.” But now, I hear it all the time. So what happened?
Motivate Contribution
There are plenty of people who want to make a difference, but haven’t put their vision into action. Contribution is tied to action. You have to actually do something to get anything done.