People Skills

5 Steps to Increasing Company Morale

The feeling of energy and optimism felt in some companies is not just a fluke that occurs organically. It results from a conscious effort to ensure that employees feel valued and engaged, both on a…

Is Your Leadership Style Motivating or Demoralizing?

Every business leader realizes their primary objective is to motivate people to do what is required, yet all of us with any experience in business tend to remember most those times when we felt highly…

How to Best Deal with Business Confrontations

Generally, people don’t like conflict. Yet the reality of running your own business is that there will be times where you have to deal with confrontation. Whether it’s an unreasonable client, two members of staff…

Improve Your EQ to Improve Your Business

“The customer is always right” doesn’t seem to apply to many situations anymore. It’s an artifact of a bygone era when daily life was slower and maintaining relationships with your regular customers at all costs…

How to Get Happier Employees

Happy employees work harder and do a better job than those that are unhappy. While you cannot control all areas of an employee’s life that affects their happiness, there are some easy changes that can…

You Can Deal with a Problem Employee

“The tougher the job, the greater the reward”. -George Allen Problem employees are the bane to every manager. By problem employee, I am normally referring to an employee whose behavior is significantly affecting the morale…

How to Attract and Retain More Millennial Workers for Your Business

With the increase of millennials in the workforce, businesses need to understand the differing values of this generation in order to be able to recruit and retain new employees. Currently, 40 percent of companies employ…

10 Tips to Keep Your Team Positive and Engaged

Keeping your team positive and engaged can be challenging. There will be times when it’s more difficult than others. Here are ten tips to help keep your team positive and focused on the task at…

5 Budget-Friendly Ideas for Celebrating Employees

Keeping employees motivated and feeling appreciated is one of the most important ways for an organization to improve productivity and morale in the workplace: “Research shows that feeling appreciated—which comes from recognition from others—is one…

Emotional Intelligence: A Key Factor for Every Great Leader

For decades, if not since forever, people have been led to believe it’s a person’s IQ that is important for leadership. Yet psychology has proven this isn’t really the case. Just because someone has a…

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