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Tax and Accounting
How Can Your IRS Tax Refund Benefit Your Small Business?
If you filed your taxes with the IRS on time this year and were due back money in the form of a tax refund, there’s a good chance you have received that refund check by now—either via direct-deposit or in your mailbox.
Nonprofit is Not the Same as Tax-Exempt
If an organization receives nonprofit status from the state upon its organization, it must take another step if it wishes to have the ability to accept tax-deductible contributions from potential donors.
Freelancer? Avoid These “7 Deadly Sins” at Tax Time
In separate reports, Zen99 and the consumer finance website nerdwallet ranked Los Angeles the best city for freelancers. In 2012, 12% of people in Los Angeles reported themselves as self-employed.
Don’t Miss Out on These Small Business Write Offs!
It’s that time of year again—tax season! Small business owners everywhere are scrounging around for old receipts and frantically doing paperwork in preparation for tax day, all while keeping up with their regularly scheduled CEO duties.
Be Ready to Protect Your Money When the IRS Audits
We can all expect to get bad news occasionally throughout our lives and for most of us, the good news outnumbers the bad, so we shouldn’t complain too much. However, that’s hard to remember when you receive a letter from the IRS notifying you of an audit; an experience I was treated to not long ago.
The Shoulds and Should Nots of Deductions
Working for yourself means you are responsible for your taxes. There’s no employer deducting from your wages as you go. Thus, it’s up to you to keep track of your earnings, and very importantly, understand what you can and cannot write off as a deduction.
8 Tax Scams to be on the Lookout for in 2015
There seem to be more and more tax scams that rear their ugly heads each year. The IRS does its best to combat these issues that can result in billions of dollars being stolen from innocent taxpayers.
5 Reasons to Be an Early Bird Tax Filer in 2015
Being early has numerous benefits when it comes to a variety of activities. The same can be said when it’s time to prepare and file your taxes with the IRS.
Why Adopt Cloud Accounting in 2015?
A recent survey has shown that cloud accounting leads to increases in production, costs savings and customer satisfaction. Out of those who were surveyed, 92% stated that they are entirely happy with their cloud-based services.
8 Tax Law Changes for 2015 You Need to Know
Happy New Year! As you prepare your taxes to be filed by April 15th based on 2014 IRS requirements, it’s smart to look ahead to some of the 2015 tax law changes that will impact your filing situation this year—and when you file in April 2016.