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You Have to Understand Your Financials

Every business owner must understand and maintain their financial statements. By being unable to do so, many entrepreneurs get themselves into some major issues on so many fronts.

Lessons From Shark Tank

Shark Tank is an ABC reality TV show that matches startups with high net worth angel investors who will offer to invest in their business company in exchange for a proportional equity stake. The reason why I love this show is that it not only demonstrates the power of the startup…

The Best Practices for Modern Accounting

Accounting for a business is more complicated than just subtracting your expenses from your revenue. There are so many things to consider and monitor, which makes it a necessity for business owners to take advantage of all of the modern best practices for accounting.

What Kind of Info Should Your Invoices Include?

If you own or manage a small business, invoices are essential to keeping your business running smoothly. By providing your customers an uncomplicated, concise invoice that spells out the products provided or services rendered, you will reduce confusion and head off any potential conflicts about your business transactions.

Tips to Avoid Credit Card Fees

Small businesses rely on credit card sales and payments to grow and move forward; however, many small business owners can feel the weight of high credit card processing fees pushing down on them, especially in lean economic times.

3 Tips for Never Missing Paying a Business Bill

While the need to always get your business bills paid on time seems like a no-brainer, it can be more difficult than you think unless you’ve got a system in place. The key to never missing a payment all comes down to organization.

How to Get Great Business Travel Deals

Whether you’re a private consultant paying your own bills (and tracking carefully for tax write-offs) or working for a massive company, you are surely being urged from one source or another to scale back your business expenses.

Compete on Value, Not Price

Instead of chasing the lowest price, you must develop customers who are loyal to you because you have provided them the value they need. Just remember that it is up to you to spell out this value so they understand what they are receiving.

What to Do If You Default on a Business Loan

Defaulting on an existing loan can significantly damage your FICO score and increase interest rates as well. When it comes to a business loan, defaulting doesn’t always mean the end of the business.

Don’t Lose Profits: Pay Close Attention to Your Financial Documents

No business is designed to take losses. You would be hard pressed to find a small business owner that is setting out to lose money, and to not end up a successful business. Paying attention to profits can go a long way in helping a business, even if a profit does not seem likely all the time. Below are a few points to keep in mind when managing financial documents.

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