Oliver Michaels

Oliver Michaels BA (Hons) is an independent business consultant from London, specialising in startups, SMEs, B2B and digital marketing, with over 15 years’ experience.


Social media, ad and online offer for small business owner. Smiling bearded millennial european male in apron watch on smartphone at front door of flowers rustic shop with different plants, free space

3 Small Business SEO Essentials for 2024

As 2024 rolls on, just like last year SEO continues to evolve rapidly. For the small business, staying ahead of these changes is difficult but yet it is crucial to maintaining your online visibility and,…

Creating an Office That Feels Like Home

A study conducted by Indeed demonstrates that 73% of remote workers pine for interaction with their colleagues in person. Furthermore, more companies are realising that while working remotely can slash costs, it can also reduce…

A Guide to SaaS Startup Growth Strategy

How do you stand out from other SaaS companies when you’re still in the startup stage? How do you stay ahead of the curve and thrive? This isn’t an easy task. Considering there are at…

working with developers

How Can SMBs Work with Experienced Developers?

If you are a small and medium business (SMB) or a start-up and digital transformation (DX) initiatives top the list of your immediate priorities, then it’s highly likely that you will have to work with…


A Guide to Startup Business Funding for SMBs

When you’re starting a business you need many different things: tenacity, entrepreneurship, marketing know-how and a product or service that adds value, just to name a few. But above all else, you need money. Without…

Why Does Change Management Sometimes Fail?

We’ve all faced many changes this year, and while some of them have been managed well, others have meant great anxiety, stress and ultimately, have not resulted in the change that was expected. Change management…

Contingency Planning for Project Management

In some areas of the world, contingency planning is all about having a Plan B for those natural disasters that might occur, but the reality, as you will see from any project manager course, is…

Navigating COVID-19 With Change Management Techniques

Business leaders have seen many changes to the way they operate this year throughout the coronavirus pandemic, many of which have had a dramatic effect on business operations. Just a year ago no one would…

How to Write a Project Risk Assessment

Life rarely follows the path that we want it to when it comes to projects. You might plan for every stage of the project and every penny spent but then something will come along and…

Successful Recruitment Starts With These 5 Things

Small businesses may think that they don’t need a recruitment strategy because they don’t recruit as often as their larger competitors. However, it’s the presence of those larger companies, wooing the best talent, that makes…