Lending Tree

LendingTree is an online loan marketplace for various financial borrowing needs including auto loans, small business loans, personal loans, credit cards, and more. We also offer comparison shopping services for autos and educational programs. Together, these services serve as an ally for consumers who are looking to comparison shop among multiple businesses and professionals who will compete for their business.


9 Services You Should Consider Outsourcing — And When

As a small business owner, you’re constantly wearing many hats. On any given day you could be inspecting the latest inventory shipment, interviewing prospective employees or even sweeping the showroom floor after closing. However, if…

chef placing garnish on food

4  New-Business Pitfalls (And How to Overcome Them) 

Starting a business is hard work. It can be even harder if you’re wearing rose-colored glasses that blind you to some of the big challenges ahead — especially if you’re already struggling to make ends…

How to Promote Your Company with Awareness Campaigns and Celebrations

Many companies use national awareness campaigns or celebrations as marketing opportunities, whether it’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, National Women’s History Month in March or a dedication to financial literacy in April. Suddenly, the…


Is an Education Reimbursement Program a Good Move for My Business?

Some of the largest employers in the world are now reimbursing their employees’ education expenses. Companies like Target, Disney and the world’s largest employer, Walmart, all reimburse 100% of tuition and books for employees who…

How to Start a Loyalty Program Without Losing Money

One way to potentially increase your customer base — especially when encouraging repeat business — is to implement a loyalty program. In fact, more than half of U.S. consumers are interested in using loyalty programs…


More Than 1/2 of Senior Managers Plan to Add Positions in Q4 of 2021

It appears that job seekers will continue to enjoy a wealth of work opportunities in the remaining half of 2021 — even as employers in various sectors have trouble finding workers. According to a new…

50% of Microbusiness Owners Still Reeling from Coronavirus Pandemic

Half of microbusinesses — those with five or fewer employees — are still being negatively impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new survey from Yahoo Small Business. Among these struggling microbusinesses, 66% have considered…

10 Ways a Social Media Presence Could Impact Your Business

Social media is a hot marketing ticket these days, and one that has become increasingly more beneficial to a company’s bottom line. A June 2021 poll done on behalf of Sprout Social found that 78%…


7 Ways to Start an Effective Internship Program

Internship programs can be a practical way to introduce new talent to your business, boost productivity and help sharpen your employees’ leadership and mentorship skills. Here are some key components of successful internships, and how…


Should You Restart Business Travel?

We all know the story too well by now: when the world shut down more than a year ago, we had to get creative when it came to day-to-day business operations. Given the spread of…