Jeff Bullas

Jeff Bullas is a consultant, blogger, strategist, and speaker. He works with companies and executives to optimize their online personal and corporate brands through the use of social media channels. Author of the Amazon best-selling book Blogging the Smart Way—How to Create and Market a Killer Blog with Social Media (Jeff Bullas, 2012), Jeff's own blog is included in's Power 150 ranking as a top 50 marketing blog.


5 Creative Ways to Repurpose Your Old Content

Having your old masterpieces sit there in the archives gathering dust can be such a shame. After re-reading it you may find that you still agree with your opinions just as much now as the…

How to Double Your Affiliate Income Overnight

Affiliate marketing continues to grow at a steady pace. In 2010, the market was worth $1.6 billion in the US. Last year, affiliate marketers made a total of $6.4 billion. The market is set to…

How to Boost Email Open Rates by 32% [Etsy Case Study]

Email marketing allows businesses to reach current and potential customers in the place they go every single day – their inbox. But how do you make sure that your emails are opened when they reach…

6 Successful Upselling Tactics You Can Borrow From Amazon

Amazon is arguably the largest eCommerce store in the world. Selling products from thousands of retailers means consumers can look for the best deal possible in a matter of clicks and scrolls. It is just…

14 Experts Share Top Link Building Tactics

Link building is a practiced art that has evolved over the years. There are dozens of methods to acquire links, yet they all revolve around universal ideas and principles that are necessary to make link…

How eCommerce Sites Must Deal With Accessibility in the Age of Coronavirus

As more and more people are self-isolating or self-quarantining at home, the web has become even more essential. Everyone is (supposed to be) staying home until it is once again safe to return to our…

10 Essential Personality Traits, Qualities, and Skills of an Entrepreneur

If you have considered starting your own business, you may be wondering if you have what it takes to become successful. Are entrepreneurs born predestined for success, or did they work hard to become the…

The 9 Best TikTok Bots To Help You Go Viral Right Now

The best TikTok bots will help you grow your following fast and save you tons of time from doing manual, repetitive tasks. TikTok is trending at the moment. More and more people are using this…

6 Instagram Growth Hacks to Explode Your Reach

If you aren’t active on Instagram you are missing out on a ton of marketing opportunities for your business. As it has over a billion users who can be reached better than on many other networks…

Find Your Niche in a Tough Market: How to Start a Dropshipping Business From A to Z

Have you ever thought about launching a company without any self-produced products? Or do you believe you need a real warehouse that contains all your ready-to-be-shipped products before you can set up an eCommerce business?…