Craig Lebrau


business people staying active while working remotely

Activity Levels at All-time Low Due to Remote Working

It is undeniable that work life balance is at an all time high currently due to the rise of work from home (WFH) practices. The working class is reporting higher levels of job satisfaction and…


Paying International Contractors: A Quick Guide

What is an International Contractor? An international contractor is a person who is not a citizen of your country and provides services for your company. An international contractor is not an employee but has an…

the Rome skyline

6 Must-See Places in Europe for Business & Leisure Travelers

When going through a European travel guide you will come to realize that Europe is home to some of the most popular and famous travel destinations in the world. Nonetheless, while there are countless amazing…

6 Tips to Stay Healthy As A Busy Business Owner

As a business owner, you’re probably under so much pressure to take care of your employees, customers, vendors, and everything else that needs your attention that you rarely think about taking care of yourself. You…

Top 3 Business Tips From Billionaires Like Bill Gates

In today’s world almost every experience has been documented about before. Stories abound about the how Bezos started Amazon or how Bill Gates developed Microsoft. But all these stories have something in common–every founder had…

using social media for publicity

How To Utilize Social Media To Optimize Publicity For Your Business

Photo by Brands&People on Unsplash Social media marketing enjoys a plethora of advice articles, businesses, and forums, and there’s a good reason for this immense popularity. Not only is it highly effective, there is also…

How to Avoid Cyber Hostility

Cyberspace has become a hostile place for some, especially those who are not taking cyber security seriously and those not even aware that cyber security is increasingly becoming more important. There are many ways to…

Getting Your Business Off the Ground in 2022

2020 has not been kind, with a pandemic crushing global economies and small businesses. 2021 has not been any better, with the world in recovery mode while still battling off new variants of the virus….

Should You Apply for Debt Consolidation Loan or a Debt Consolidation Program?

Pickawood via A debt consolidation loan can benefit consumers with good credit who would like to streamline the process of paying off two or more of their existing debts. With debt consolidation loans, consumers…