Annie Button

Annie Button is a Portsmouth based writer and recent English Literature graduate. Annie has written for various online and print publications and specializes in business and career development. Follow @anniebutton1994 on Twitter.


scanning a QR code

Getting Payments From Social Platforms: Pros and Cons

Staple everyday sites such as Facebook, YouTube and Instagram have evolved significantly bringing with them a plethora of ideas, information, concepts and advertisements. The modern practical applications of social media have brought people closer together,…

9 Startup Business Ideas for 2023: Healthcare

The United States healthcare system is one of the most complex in the entire world, and one which is experiencing a constant state of evolution. The market itself is buoyed by thousands of parties –…

Is Local SEO Worthwhile for Small Businesses?

Small business owners will take any ethical marketing advantage they can get. One of those advantages is capitalizing on local SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategies that help you reach more customers in your local area. …

an h r professional meeting with a potential hire

Is HR the Cybersecurity Weakness in Your Organization?

When we think about the parts of the business that deal with cybersecurity issues, it is natural to assume that we are talking about the IT team. However, this overlooks the fact that many departments…

a start up owner managing files and data

Here’s How Tech Management Can Boost Your Startup Success

Technology is evolving fast, and there’s a fear for many business owners that they will be left behind their competitors if they don’t keep up. But good technology management is about more than just staying…

a map of the united kingdom with a pin on london

Got Global Dreams? 6 Best UK Cities to Start a Business

Even with its shifting political climate and cost-of-living energy woes, the UK is one of the most favored places in the world for new businesses to get started. Post-Brexit, the UK was named the best…

How SMEs Sharing Success Stories Can Supercharge Their Growth

Whether you call it blowing your own trumpet or tooting your own horn, it’s fair to say that many of us aren’t the best at shouting about our achievements. Perhaps out of fear of being…

DIY visual marketing

How To Succeed at DIY Visual Marketing

Marketing comes in different forms and perhaps one that is often overlooked in importance is the visual aspect. Non-verbal communication can be a winning format as it allows companies and brands to tell a story…

Agile Working: What Is It and How Do You Do It?

Many businesses extoll the virtues of ‘agile’ working. But for those companies that have never encountered this term in practice, it can feel like some sort of mythical way of operating your business. Some believe…


Setting up a Business Abroad: 5 Things You Must Consider

Business owners and entrepreneurs are no longer tied to the countries they live in when setting up shop. Somewhere abroad is attractive for cheaper tax or rent, or it may be that a different way…