The user experience is so vital to purchasing behavior that companies spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on research to find out how a person’s emotions relate to their product or service. The user experience, or UX, should be positive if you want consumers to purchase your products or services. An often forgotten component of a great user experience is the type of hosting you have for your site. A slow-loading website can be a repellent to most Internet users, and it’ll impact how happy customers are with your products and services.
The Importance of UX and Your Website
When talking about user experience on the Internet, it’s most often related to how the company’s website can be the catalyst for user experience improvement. A slow connection, surges in traffic that can’t be handled by the server and marketing activities that overload the system can all lead to a bad user experience.
How does Web Hosting Affect User Experience?
When a user has a bad experience on your website, it influences how they feel about your product and service on a larger scale. They might feel as if you aren’t concerned with their satisfaction or their experience on your site. This can lead to dissatisfaction or the customer moving on to a competitor.
What Can Your Company do to Improve UX through Web Hosting?
Right Hosting Service for Surges in Traffic
Not all hosting services are created equal. If your site gets surges in traffic, your hosting company might not be able to handle the bandwidth required for that surge. A VPS hosting service might be an option for how to improve user experience.
Location of the Servers for User Experience Improvement
When you choose a location that is central to the majority of your customers, you’re increasing the server performance for those closest to it. Basing your server in a variety of locations will increase user experience for all customers.
Collaborating Host and Business Owner
Communicating with your host should produce a better-running site. You’ll be able to let them know when you have a marketing campaign on the horizon that could cause a surge in traffic. They’ll help you keep the site running incredibly fast.
Tools for Web Acceleration and Faster Cache Loading
Load balancing, faster cache loading and other acceleration tools are vital for quick load times. If your customers spend more than a few seconds waiting for your pages to load, they’ll click away from the site. Web acceleration tools will definitely improve user experience.
Plugins, Software and Applications
All of the bells and whistles that make a fun user experience are also the ones that can drag down the loading times of your site. When you discuss the additions with your hosting company, they’ll be able to pinpoint the ones that will cause issues and suggest alternatives.
Regular Testing of the Website for Speed
Every time you add a product, make a change or market a service, you should be testing your site. At least once a week, ensure that your site is loading efficiently, and that the user’s experience isn’t being impaired in any way. Test at various times of the day too. Peak times can cause problems in loading.
Web hosting is one of the single best ways to improve user experience on your site. You should find a hosting service that is willing to work with you to make sure that users have a great experience on your website. The hosting company who doesn’t want to work closely with you is one that should be avoided.
Author: Gigi Wara is a writer, working closely with many aspiring thinkers and entrepreneurs from various companies. She currently works as a content writer for Web123, a web design company for small businesses. Find her @GGRarekind.