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Is Your Phone System Ready for Business Growth?

By: Scott Resnick


Is Your Phone System Ready for Business Growth

The needs of a business can shift quickly and when they do, it is important for your tools to shift with you, both effortlessly and with solid support to back you up. Having an agile phone system that can keep up with your company’s requirements means immediate access to configuration modifications you can manage yourself, without having to rely on your provider to make upgrades or changes that can result in days of delay. It means having the ability to add features to your communications system as they become available or as you come up with new business needs and opportunities—without causing downtime for the workforce as they await training or upgrades. It also means having the ability to react quickly and appropriately to unexpected challenges such as business interruptions caused by natural or man-made disasters.

Business growth can be both exciting and frustrating, especially if your company is not prepared. As you take the crucial step of upgrading your company’s phone system, there are three main things that must be taken into consideration in order to make the transition smooth and hassle-free.

1. Current Phone System:

Not all phone systems have the capacity to accommodate upgraded features, so it is important for companies to check their existing system and make sure that they can handle additional phone lines. Many companies already have modern systems, but for the ones that don’t, a brand-new system has to be installed prior to the phone system upgrade.

2. Bandwidth:

Before diving into the implementation of a new communications system, you‘ll want to consult with your office’s Internet service provider to make sure that the company’s current setup is equipped with all the features needed to implement a new system. Your system provider can inform you how much bandwidth you need for the expansion of your business, but for high-quality VoIP, it is advisable to have upload speeds of at least 90 kilobytes per second. Upload speed is a crucial distinction as this is how calls on your company’s end are being handled. Having satisfactory upload speeds will guarantee that the demands of your business are met.

3. Mobility:

Business growth usually entails the integration of mobile devices into daily operations and the company’s overall communication and collaboration system. In order for upgraded mobility to work in any business, there must be a clear-cut plan on the objective of mobile extension tools and how you want them to be implemented to benefit your business. Having these new features can, indeed, improve the way you achieve everyday business goals, but they also require strict rules and standards for the purpose of security and smooth communication.

The business landscape is moving faster and growing increasingly competitive every year. Utilizing the most advanced technology is a crucial part of keeping up with the competition; in fact it can actually make or break a business. If a business does not have state-of-the-art technology, it puts itself at risk of falling behind competitors. Since phone systems are one of the essential technical tools that companies use to connect to their customers and workforce, it is one of the key technologies that businesses should consider upgrading.

Published: September 8, 2016

Source: TTI Houston

a man

Scott Resnick

Scott Resnick is the President and Owner of Today's Telecommunications Industries, LLC (TTI) in Houston, TX. For the past 39 years, Scott has been instrumental in serving the telecommunications needs of some of Houston's largest and most influential companies. TTI is one of the largest NEC dealers in the United States. Scott is an avid baseball fan, loving father, husband, and a world traveler.

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