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Dream On: How to Visualize Success for You and Your Company

By: SmallBizClub


CEOs are dreamers who took a small idea and turned it into something huge. It can be as simple as starting a boutique marketing agency, or expanding your services overseas.

“Dream on
Dream until your dreams come true”
— Aerosmith, “Dream On”
Visualize Success
There’s no better song that channels the entrepreneurial spirit than Aerosmith’s “Dream On.” If you want success, you must first visualize your triumph. That means envisioning every detail from beginning to end to make it reality.
Athletes use visualization techniques all the time, whether it’s making that foul shot or sinking that putt on the golf course. They just visualize it going in and—more often than not—it does. The importance of visualizing success reminds me of a quote from Napoleon Hill’s Think And Grow Rich: “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, you can achieve.”
The powers of mind over matter are too incredible to deny. If you wake up in the morning and believe you’ll have a happy and productive day, you will. Even if you hit a snag with a project or you fumble during a meeting presentation, your day will still end better if you began it with a positive daily affirmation.
Tomorrow morning when you wake up, visualize yourself conquering your goals, and channel that positive energy into your daily affirmations. Your dreams will become more and more attainable with each passing day.
Act on the Dream
Dreaming is only one part of the equation—you have to make a plan and act on the dream. Otherwise, you’re not going to fulfill that dream—it’s just going to sit on a shelf and collect dust.
I once attended a speaker whose speech impacted me so much that I integrated it into every facet of my life. This speaker emphasized the importance of reflecting on what you want to be and what you want to do in life. After you’ve figured that out – both personally and professionally – then you can plan actionable steps to fulfill your dream.
Acting on the dream is allowing the Law of Attraction to work in your life. First, you visualize it, then you follow where the current is taking you. In other words, you’ll be traveling on the path of least resistance—it just makes sense.
I recently had a conversation with Dan Frank, one of the CEOs I work with at Vistage. He’s been talking about figuring out some way to move back to southern California for a couple of years. He was visualizing the next steps he had for his businesses, Three Wire Systems and VetAdvisor, when an opportunity arose to acquire a company in San Diego.
A year after the acquisition, his lead executive resigned, and Dan decided he should move to California to oversee that critical division of the company. Running the company from the West Coast was still feasible, since half the employees were located there, and half located back East. Dan had the dream of moving to California for a while, and because of the unusual turn of events, he was finally able to do so—but he had to take action in order for his dream to come to fruition.
Dream for Your Team
CEOs shouldn’t be dreaming for themselves—they should be also dreaming for their company. Ultimately, they should strive to create a company that draws in new employees, makes current employees proud, and challenges employees to be better every day.
Once you have a team that spurs innovation and growth, the main goal for your company should be to provide monumental value for your clients and to make a difference in the world. After all, isn’t that every CEO’s dream?
Author: Brian Roberts is the CEO of Croix Connect, a company that offers premier executive coaching to CEOs, COOs, Presidents and business owners. Brian is a Chair for Vistage International, and brings nearly a 40-year career leading Operations, Information Technology, Engineering, and Project Management teams.
Published: June 22, 2015

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